Chapter Nine

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Scott crosses his arms as the pack waits for the Winchesters, Lydia, Issac, and Stiles. Derek was just about ready to punch the true alpha for being impatient. As if on a musical cue, the Winchesters enter with a young adult following them. He had a mullet that was pulled back into a low pony tail and was wearing black skinny jeans with a red shirt and an aviator jacket. A black sword hung from his hip and he had two happy meals in his hands.

"Ok wolves and other creatures." Dean starts, clapping his hands obnoxiously before gesturing to the teen.

"This is another creature you didn't know about. This is a demigod." He finishes and Sam sighs while the teen plops himself down on Derek's sofa.

"Sup, I'm Nico Di'Angelo and I'm a child of the Greek God Hades. Cool dad." Nico states before breaking into his first happy meal and shoving a fry into his mouth. And so they got to business while seemingly ignoring the demigod. And then Nico began to speak.

"I'm looking for someone. Have you seen a Latino who always has a tool belt on and responds to Leo Valdes?" He states and Scott scoffs.

"Went missing, most likely dead." Scott responds and Nico frowns. He then proceeds to throw a pillow at the wolf's head causing Scott to throw a book back which lead to a big fight.


Everyone pauses and turns to the entrance of the loft. Lydia and Issac were standing behind Stiles. And Stiles. Was. Pissed. He glares at everyone and rests his eyes on Nico. His eyes cloud over and his breathing almost stops completely.

"Nico Di'Angelo. Brother to the dead huntress Bianca Di'Angelo and half brother to Roman demigod Hazel Levesque. Son of Hades, Ambassador of Hades, and Ghost King. Age 86. Fiancé to William Solace son of Apollo." He states with an airy tone before collapsing on a knee and taking a shaky breath. Lydia and Issac begin to move to help him but he holds his hand up.

"I'm fine." He grunts and moves to stand before falling over once more, Issac catching him as he passes out. Lydia sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose while Issac looks up at her with a cheeky grin.

"Well, at least he didn't puke this time!" 


Kira holds the small ring in her hand. It was a bright silver band with small diamonds studding a larger one in the middle, it was expertly made and fell out of Leo's pocket when they took him. She could tell it was an engagement ring, but for who? The door creaks open and she quickly pockets the ring. 

"Hello, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." 

It was the blonde vampire. Kira felt sick to her stomach as she spoke. Was this some kind of cruel joke?

"You're sorry? You killed Leo!" Kira spits back, venom lacing her tone and she took satisfaction in the way Emilia flinches. Emilia looks over at the doors and the other two men, the ones that promised her freedom, come in.

"Leo!" Kira gasps, in their arms was Leo. His shirt was stained in blood and he had a thick white bandage wrapped around his neck. He looked horrible. She reaches out for him and when the cage opens, she takes the sleeping demigod from them.

"Is he alive?" Kira asks in a panic and Ade nods while Damion re-lock the door. Kira looks down at Leo and watches his chest rise ever so slightly. Relief settles in her body as she sighs.

"You'll be free soon." Was the only thing Emilia whispers as they back out of the room.


Dean watches as Stiles slowly comes back to consciousness. He sat up with a groan and rubs his forehead.

"Did anyone get the license plate of the truck that hit me?" He moans and Lydia lets out an airy laugh before pushing him back down.

"Stay down dumbass. You scared us."

Stiles gives Lydia a cheeky smile before coughing violently. Everyone watches in panic as blood spurts from his lips. Then it stops as a hand is placed on his shoulder. Dean looks up to see Castiel standing there, but he wasn't alone.

"Hey Dean-o!" 

Sam spits out his water and points to the angel besides Cas, anger and shock both written on his face. 

"No." Sam growls and Dean almost started to laugh as the angel pops a lollipop into his mouth.

"Oh yes Samsquach."

"Fuck you!" Sam almost shouts and throws the closest object at him. A flask of holy water. It was really ironic. Stiles sits up completely straight and his eyes go cloudy once more.

"Archangel Gabriel. Brother to angel Castiel, Archangel Lucifer, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Micheal. Presumed dead. As old as time. Once stole the identity of the Norse Trickster God Loki. Inhabits a Trickster." Stiles states before gasping and falling back against the couch. He wraps his arms around him and coughs again. More blood comes out.

"Why the fuck is this happening?" Stiles thinks out-loud and Derek hands him a glass of water and a tissue. Stiles wipes his mouth of blood and chugs the water. Gabriel points to the teen.

"Ok, who invited an Oracle?" He questions and Stiles glares at him.

"Oh ha ha. Blame the teen who didn't want this, that seems like a good idea." Stiles responds, sarcasm was thick in his voice and Nico could have sworn he was Percy for a second. Gabriel just barks out a laughter and plops down next to the teen, throwing his arm around Stiles.

"I like this kid! What's your name Oracle?" He beams at the teen who fondly rolls his eyes in return.

"I'm Stiles Stilinski." 


Leo wakes up to Kira looking down on him, tears in her eyes. He sits up and is pushed down when she hugs him. He was caught off guard by this action as she weeps into his bloodied shirt.

"I thought you died!" She swallows as she speaks and he cautiously pulls away. Confusion plastered on his face.

"I thought I did." 

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