Chapter Three

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Jesse paces around his room as the phone rings, this had been the fifth time he tried to call Scott about the case his dad got of three missing girls. He had some leads

"Scott? Please, call me back." Jesse pleads, he had actually grown close to the boy. The now 22 year old was upset, he hated lying but what choice does he have?

Scott doesn't listen to reason, a little voice told him.

He agreed.

Then he collapsed.

Visions of Sam and Dean doing dangerous things for the past 3 years flooded his system. He ran to the bathroom and put his head in the toilet, dry heaving into the bowl before standing, flushing, and washing his face. He wanted to cry.

That was the day he tried to lock himself in his room.


Derek sighs as he glances at the picture on his phone, a look of longing was plastered on his face as he turns the phone off. Laying back on the bed he reflects on how fucked up his life is, then his phone rings.

"Derek Hale speaking."

"Hey king."


"Yeah, it's me."

"How are you?"



"I think I keep seeing the future?"


"I don't know."

"I'm coming back then."


Derek hung up, yes it was kinda rude but he was worried now.


"Why aren't we telling him!" Lydia was pissed. Scott told everyone that they couldn't tell Stiles about the vampires, she didn't understand.

"Because he's human! They could drain him!"

"He's not a fragile porcelain doll Scott!"

"I kn-"

"Then stop acting like it!" Everyone backed away from the banshee, her eyes glazed over as a scream ripples through her throat. Everyone covers their ears, her scream stops suddenly, like it was cut off by a hand choking her.


"Who are you?" Her voice was a breathy whisper. Everyone was confused.

"Lydia?" Isaac asks this time. She doesn't seem to hear.

"Why can't I find you?"

"Who are you talking to Lyds?" Malia was cautious, using a different approach.

"He says he's an angel, he wants to save us!"

That voice didn't sound like Lydia's now, but of a hundred whispers as one. Her eyes glazed over more as she tilts her head back and screams.



Jesse sat on his bed, he didn't want to sleep.

But he was just so tired, he couldn't help but dose off.


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