Chapter Two

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Jesse woke up, cold sweat covered his body in a thin blanket. The night was filled with panic inducing dreams, visions more like it: angels and demons filled his skull, tempting him to join a side. But others did too: Lydia getting prom queen, people ruining his life farther, John getting shot, Scott attacking him, and the worst was what was gonna happen to him.

"Snap out of it man." He grumbles, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and standing, marching over to the bathroom he turns the sink's faucets on. The cold water on his face makes his nerves buzz before relaxing again. He wipes his face and leaves, climbing back into the warmth of his sheets.


Scott glanced at Peter, the other looks almost saddened by the news.

"Tell me," Scott begins, eyes narrowing and flashing a menacing red, "why should I believe you this time?" Peter flinches, his own eyes glow a blue hue before fading back.

"Because their here, and they will drink whatever they can get."


Lydia has a very prominent frown decorating her lovely red lips as she sees the bags under Stiles's eyes. She walks towards him and places a hand on his shoulder, her frown deepens as he jumps and tenses.

"Stiles, are you ok?"

"Yeah, just haven't been sleeping well lately."

Lydia's mind floods with memories of the nogitsune, causing fear and worry to fill her senses. Stiles takes notice of this and gives her a weak smile.

"Hey, I'll be fine. Just need some sleep." He yawns and Lydia grabs his hand and raises her other one.

"Mr. Yukimura! Stiles isn't feeling well! Can I take him to the nurse?" She asks and was given the ok, she drags her friend out of the room.


"Make sure he gets home Ms. Martin, and you have to drive him. He's in no condition to drive!" The nurse orders as Lydia nods, looking past her to see Stiles rubbing his forehead like he has a headache. Lydia gently grabs Stiles's hand and leads him out of school, to his car, helps him in, then gets in the drivers side.

"Let's get you home."

"Curly fries?"

"Fine, get you curly fries and the home."

Lydia did exactly that, went to Arby's, got Stiles his fries and some food other then fries, then got him home. She took his keys and opened the front door, letting him stumble past her as she closed the door. Lydia sighs as Stiles collapses on the couch, the bag of food on the coffee table was unopened.

"Stiles?" He didn't answer because he was fast asleep, she smiles and goes to his room for a blanket.

She opens the door, and his room was a mess.

Pictures and files were all over the floor, clothes were thrown everywhere, string was everywhere as well. It was a mess and Lydia was shocked, he never was this messy before. Sighing once again she trudged across the room, grabbing a blanket and carrying it out. 


Dean steals a glance at Sam, sleeping next to him. He brings his attention back to the road as Sam stirs a bit. Sam's eyes open and he sighs, "Sorry, I should've woken up."

"Sam, we've been through a lot, it's fine. You need sleep."

"So do you."


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