Chapter Five

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A/N: Ok, this might have been my favorite chapter I have written so far, and you will see why. Thank you for coming to my Ted-talk.


Dean couldn't sleep, he laid in the motel room bed wide awake. It's early in the morning and Sam was passed out on the bed next to him. He got up and slips his shoes on, grabbing his leather jacket he takes the keys to Baby and walks out.

He drove for awhile before stopping in front of Beacon Hills Preserve, then he drove some more until he was out by a cliff near the edge of town. He parks the car and sighs, then hears an engine behind him. He sighs and gets out, turning to see a battered blue jeep.

He leans on Baby as he watches a teen get out of the jeep.

"You drive that old thing?"

"Don't you dare talk to Roscoe that way!"

It was the sheriff's kid Stiles, he walks towards Dean and his slightly annoyed look fades into the nervous look.

"I wanted to ask you a question."


"Can you teach me how to shoot?"


"Keep your aim steady."

"Like this?"

"Just like that."

Scott expected a lot of things in life, getting a girlfriend, maybe punching someone in the face, his best friend loosing his virginity at one point, ect. 

His best friend was still in his pj's being taught how to shoot by Dean Winchester was not one of them.

"Stiles? I've been calling you."

He turns, handing the gun to Dean.

"Hey Scott, when's the meeting?"

"Like now."


"If the vamps are after virgin, we have to protect you right?" Scott explains looking at Stiles, Dean was laughing very hard at Stiles face of disgust, Lydia was rubbing her forehead with a sigh, Malia was a little confused, and Sam had stopped talking to Derek after Scott spoke.

"I'm not a virgin anymore Scottie-Boy." 

Dean started laughing even harder and Chris had joined in, Liam and Isaac were a bit confused but understood what was happening. But Scott was confused while Lydia and Malia were in shock.

"Who?" He questions, then turns to Malia who was his first girlfriend. She raised her hands.

"Wasn't me!" 

They looked at Lydia.

"He's like a brother to me!"

"Thanks Lyds." Stiles sighs and Lydia looks around the room again. She narrows her eyes when they land on a certain person. She scoffs in disbelief.

"You didn't." 



The room went quiet.

Everyone turned to Derek, who stared back with a steely gaze.



Antoni smiles as his right hand pushed the two forwards. One was a man of African decent and the other was simply a white man, the two seemed to be feral and/or newly turned judging by their ripped and distressed clothes.

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