Chapter 6: New Years Eve /News

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     Happy New Years Eve Everyone.....and my sincere apologies for this dead art book. I haven't been paying much attention to you guys ever since school work and test finals have become harder for our midterms for the year. But, I'm back for the end of this decade with a new chapter and grateful I was able to pass all my classes tests.

      Now I have some important news for this book. First is that I think since it's about to be 2020 I have set some goals for me to achieve down below:
1. Getting Good grades
2. Improve on some of my skill levels that I need to work on my art
3. Hopefully learn how to do digital art
4. Setting a time limit to be on my phone
5. Trying out new activities
6. Updating at least 3 times a month or more

Yeah that's it now onto the drawing part of this chapter. These two pictures here are about a small story I made during a break at school it's from a short comic(unfinished). I'm still developing the whole plot, names, setting, and who they are. There is another character but, I can't seem to figure out how to draw her, that's why I'm going to need your help for inspiration of how you want the other girl to look like.
Here are some tips:
- Street style girl
- Sarcastic
- Works at a small shop
- She has a few anger problems when talking to people
- Your allowed to add something else if you want but that's all.

This is going to be an art contest, I'll choose three drawings and combine them for the new character, just tag me and I'll decide which one I like. Also, it doesn't matter if you can't draw I'll love it anyway.
I appreciate you guys for being patient with me, I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Thank you 2019 bring on 2020!!!
Happy New Years and Goodbye!!!!

      Thank you 2019 bring on 2020!!!Happy New Years and Goodbye!!!!

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Words: 344Date: December 31, 2019Time: 7:25 p

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Words: 344
Date: December 31, 2019
Time: 7:25 p.m.

My ArtBookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora