Chapter 1- Full disclosure.

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First of all thank you to Upsteadforever who recommended this plot point for this story to me.

Hailey and Jay were sat in the surveillance van when the first few shots pierced the metal body of the vehicle. Jay immediately wrapped his arm around Hailey and dived to the floor, grabbing the bulletproof vests that were hung up to use as a shield, as the bullets ricocheted threw the van.

"You good?" Jay said checking Hailey hadn't been hit as the gunfire ceased.

"I think so, you?" Hailey said doing the same.

"Yeah I'm good." Jay said reassuringly.

"Thanks." Hailey said gratefully for what Jay had done. Jay just nodded with a smile.

"You guys good?" Ruzek yelled from outside the van seconds later.

"Yeah." They both shouted back.

"Go!" Jay added in reassurance. So that Adam would know to keep chasing the offender. Adam did as he had said and continued to chase after the shooter.

That evening, everything was the same. Nothing had calmed down a little and no case was closed. Well definitely not this one anyway. Antonio was still missing. Kelton was hours away from getting designated as Mayor of Chicago. Voight was still unpredictable and something was going on between Antonio, Voight and Adam and it unsettled the rest of the team to not know what it was.

Jay and Hailey were particularly unsettled. Especially as they were the most senior officers left in the unit after Voight. Both of their previous Detectives had gone. Antonio missing and Olinsky dead for just coming up to a year now. They kinda bonded over this a little. The need to protect not just the citizens of Chicago like they all were, but their team.

Despite this Jay thought they may have needed to let off a bit of steam at least for a few hours while they rested up. So he went around Hailey's after shift and knocked on the door to her apartment.

"Hey." Jay said when she opened the door.

"Jay, hi." Hailey said. A little surprised to see her partner at her door.

"I bought beers." Jay said holding a six pack of bottles in his hand.

"In that case you better come in." Hailey smiled and stepped out the way of the front door. Jay smiled and walked in, in response. He loved her optimism and her smile. Every time something seemed bad she always had something to say that no one else had thought of.

A few minutes later Jay and hailey has taken the tops of the bottles and clinked them together as they sat down on Hailey's couch.

"Thanks." Hailey said vaguely after a few minutes of silence.

"For what? I only brought beers. We're sat down on your couch remember." Jay said with a smile in response.

"Not for the beers. The beers are great but...I just mean for being my partner." Hailey started and Jay shifted positions on the couch so he could listen to what she was saying. "After everything that happened with Booth and Garret and...well I'm just happy your here and we know we have each other's back. I wanted to tell you that because after tomorrow if the unit goes down. I just want you to know how grateful I am for you. There's no one I would have rather been a partner with for the last few years." Hailey said wanting to continue but not really knowing what else to say.

Jay just smiled and didn't say anything so Hailey just mockingly got frustrated.

"What?" Hailey said with a frustrated tone, but smiling. "What?" She said again hitting him on the arm a little. Jay raised his arms in the air in surrender keeping the smirk on his face.

"I just didn't know you were" Jay said. "I like it."

"Well now you know. I got a heart huh?" Hailey said humorously hitting him again.

"Me too." Jay said leaning back a little more comfortably.

"You what?" Hailey said a little confused.

"I'm grateful to you too. If this is one of the last times that we're going to be partners. I'm here for you. Whatever you need, whenever you need it. Call me and I'll be there." Jay said with a sad smile in response.

"Can I ask you something?" Jay said after a few minutes of silence again letting them think about what the fallout would be tomorrow.

"Sure." Hailey said in between drinking her beer.

"That stuff you said...a few months back to that offender that got abused by his parent. That was true wasn't it. Jay said and looked at Hailey. Hailey just smiled at him in response.

"My Father was the type of man that saw his kids as a good idea at first, but when it came down to it. Didn't want to help out. My Mom did everything. He lost his job constantly for being aggressive or just getting mad or..." Hailey just smiled and shook her head. "Thing is we couldn't say anything. All the money my Mom earn't and eventually what me and my brother's earnt. Went down the drain on his drinking. We see and hear things in this job that can't ever be unseen or unheard. But the sound of my brother's cries and my Mom's cries when he hit them. Top them all." Hailey said and just sat back.

Jay attempted to make eye contact with her and put an arm around her in response. Once again they sat in silence. Until after a few minutes Hailey spoke up.

"Full disclosure right? We might not be partners anymore after tomorrow." Hailey just said and they sat there for a good couple of hours or so before Jay went home to get some sleep before tomorrow.

So that's the first Chapter. Hope you enjoyed will update soon! Thanks for reading :)

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