Chapter 47

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"Why did you take long?",Shil dam asked as he took his seat on the couch,legs crossed in authority,a reflection like he owned the place.
"I was showering",Namjoon said,his hands running through his damp hair to prove a point.Shil dam looked around the living room,it wasn't very tidy like how Namjoon usually kept his place.
"Didn't the maid come today?"
"Oh",Namjoon looked around his slightly messy hall,"She is on sick leave".Shil dam said nothing but nodded.
"You might be wondering why I came to meet you here,Apparently my hyung",Shil dam dramatically pauses,"Your dad says you don't come to dinners unless someone drag you there and my invite wouldn't be any different.I'll choose my role to drag you there then"

Namjoon shifted uneasily as he spoke,"I was gonna come this time since you came,Uncle"
A silent ensued between them as Shil dam stood up and walked to Namjoon.
"How are you,Namu?"
Namjoon snorted,"You are still on that name?"
"What?",Shil dam shrugged,"You used to insist me to call you that"
"I must have been pretty stupid"
"No one is stupid as me,I let you out of my sight for years and now you are back...I still can't stay with you,You know I wanted good for you,right?"
Namjoon nodded,smiling,his dimples making an appearance.
"Let me go get changed and we will head to dinner",Namjoon said as he excitedly head to his room and Shil dam laughed to himself witnessing the boyishness.

"Is he gone?",A So won hidden between Namjoon's coat racks as he opened it.
"No and I still don't know why you are hiding",Namjoon said as he slipped a coat off the hanger and slid it over his shoulders.
"Didn't you say he's the one you love most,what was it..'more than me'..I don't want him to find us about us like this",So won whispered.
Namjoon couldn't help but smile at So won's cuteness as her eyes shuttled between the closed door and himself.
"Alright,I'll be back soon.I'll leave quick from dinner",Namjoon assures as So won waves him off.
Namjoon leant down to press a kiss on her forehead and left So won flustered.

Jimin woke up disturbed to roll around in the bed,his hands stretching to look for a certain someone by him.But the spot was empty,his eyes shot open.Taehyung was nowhere around to be found,his eyes landed on the clock and it was past ten.He sat up rubbing his eyes and whined,"Tae...Taehyungiee"
And in record time,Taehyung's head popped into the room.
"Are you okay?",Taehyung said as he sat by the bed and Jimin pulled himself close to Taehyung who welcomed Jimin into his arms.
"Did you have a bad dream?"

Jimin nodded into Taehyung's shirt.Taehyung's hands threaded through Jimin's hair slowly,soothing him into his comfort.
"Mom made us breakfast,Do you wanna go eat?",Taehyung asked and Jimin squirmed closer to Taehyung,who chuckled.
"What do you wanna do today? Stay in or Mom's going to see grandma,Her rice cakes are the best"
"I like rice cakes",Jimin said leaning slightly backward to catch Taehyung's eyes.Taehyung brought his fore finger to boop Jimin's nose,"Then to grandma it is"
Jimin's lips curved slightly,happiness radiating all through him.

"Not to interrupt you love birds,but breakfast is getting cold",Taehyung's mother announced as she walked in and started collecting Taehyung's abandoned dirty clothes.Jimin quickly slid off Taehyung's arms to help her.
"Aigooo,Jiminaah..Go have breakfast.Eomma will take care of it",Mrs.Kim Stopped Jimin and said as she patted his back.Taehyung proceeded to follow Jimin.
"Kim Taehyung,Clean up your room,or else you'll have to spend a lonely day while I and Jimin go meet granny"
"Urgh,the double standards"

Namjoon's eyes scanned the scenaries that passed by the car window,This familiar road he hasn't travelled in a while irked him.He wasn't a very big fan.Shil dam seemed to sense his uneasiness as the man pulled the younger in for a conversation.
"So is there anything that you are not telling me?",Shil dam asked running a hand through his grey locks.
Namjoon's mind instantly reverted to the source of his happiness,So won.
"Did she come out of the closet yet or Is she still hiding?"
Startled would be an understatement as Namjoon's head whipped painfully around to face Shil dam.But the elder was smiling,a smile very identical to Namjoon minus the dimples.

Shil dam waited for Namjoon to recover and make proper words.He took his time to think something and cover it up but Namjoon can hardly lie to his uncle.
"Did you see her?"
"No,I didn't.But I saw it in you",Shil dam twisted his cuff links.Namjoon was still confused, if he talks much should he talk.

"I had my doubts when I saw the team leader girl,So won,right?The girl hid it well but Namu,you were obvious.I never experienced love but I can tell a fool in love.But then I thought you might be just impressed by her work.And I come home ,your eyes were practically travelling back and forth and you should hide the girl's shoes before you hide her.I am assuming it's the same girl,hoping.. just because I don't want to find out you are a player.So Namjoon,Is there anything you are not telling me?"

Namjoon opened and closed his mouth several times,He should not have forgotten his uncle was one hell of a korean Sherlock.
"I love her",Namjoon managed to blurt out finally.Shil dam nodded smiling to himself.
"I wanted to introduce her properly.I didn't even imagine you'd find out like this.I am sorry Uncle.But I still-"

"It's okay,Namu.As long as you are happy,I am but I wouldn't advice you to bring her to your parents yet.Hyung is keen to keep your engagement with Miss In young active.Let me talk to him",Shil dam said as if his task is not talking to one of the most powerful people in Korea.Then again he is one himself.
"Thankyou so much,Uncle",Namjoon said,his heart full of glee. His eyes travelled to the outside,spotting the large gates of Kims' estate.He is here,the most hateful place.He closed his eyes,trying to block his memories.Namjoon turned when a hard hand gripped his.
'You'll be fine',His uncles unspoken words travelled into his subconscious.

A/n:Isnt Shil dam sweet?
And today Vmin nation won,with everything that happened in the concert,So I added a little vmin.Love you all...

Love you all

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