Chapter Thirty Four 🙌🏽

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Sobbing. The heart wrenching sound enveloped the hushed home that belonged to dancer prodigy, Jung Hoseok. The said male was out picking up groceries for the two while Jimin remained at the house, all alone with his thoughts.

Jimin sniffed as he wiped his red noise. He had been crying for quiet some time now. This morning when he had woken up, he was fine, him and Hoseok were cuddling underneath the covers trying to stay warm. The two would have remained that way until Hoseok remembered he needed purchase food for their home.

What had happened in that short amount of time that caused Jimin to burst into tears?

The blond didn't now why he had been crying lately, he's just been having random periods of intense sobbing.

Hoseok has witnessed this account several times and tried to offer his lover help, only to be turned down. Finally having enough, the red head persuaded Jimin to seek help from a therapist.

Jimin didn't want to go, no, but he knew he needed answers to why he's been feeling helpless.

After gently cleaning his face with a wet cloth, Jimin was walking out of the home and into his vehicle to see the therapist Hoseok had signed him up for. Walking inside, the blond felt anxious of the awaiting appointment.

Considering leaving, he turned towards the door, but he hesitated. An image of Hoseok's disappointed face morphed itself into his mind. Sighing to himself, Jimin walked back to the sign in sheet and wrote his name in cursive.

Now, he waited.

The anticipation built up inside of Jimin for he was nervous. The ticking of the clock sounded like an explosion in his ears. The blond began to fumble around with his fingers and bounce his leg up and down repeatedly. The only thing that distracted him from his mind was a text.

Jimin fumbled around with his phone for a while with a distressed image on his chubby cheeks. The text sent from his loving boyfriend made him smile slightly.

My Hope, Jhope 💖
Everything will be alright, my love. I heard positive reviews about this therapist, he's really good at what he does.

I'm here for you whenever. I love you lots. 💕

Jimin grinned slightly. Hoseok made him happy... at times.

Although he had Hoseok, Jimin still felt empty, like he was missing a part of himself that he knew he could never get back. What was he missing though? Jimin didn't know.

After a while, the blond stood when he heard his name called and walked in the back. The bright interior of the building contrasted with the melancholy sadness that consumed Park Jimin.

Jimin made it to the room where he saw the therapist sitting.

Kim Namjoon. The name plate said. Jimin shrugged and took a seat. Namjoon looked up and smiled.

"Ah! You must be Park Jimin. Nice to meet you. I am Kim Namjoon, but you can just call me Namjoon." The tall therapist gave a dimpled smile.

No, Namjoon had no idea this was the Jimin who caused his friend so much grief. Yoongi never gave a description of his past lover.

Jimin gave a small smile in return.

"So, Mr. Park—"

"Jimin. Please call me Jimin."

Namjoon shuffled his papers as he nodded. "So, Jimin, why you sad?"

The short male froze. What was bothering him?

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