Chapter 15

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"You ready for our get together, today Riley" jasmine said so cheer able I really don't know why though is it because of Jackson is she so worked up on him just because or is it because of me I don't know I have to ask.

"Hay Jas can I ask you something?" I said looking at her

"Sure why not?" she said

"Why did you have this get together with the most hot guys in school?"

"Okay if I tell you, you have to promise that you won't be upset at all." I looked at her with confusion because its weird  for her to invite a bad boy and a bad boy's best friend. I'm guessing that she likes Jackson but than again I really don't know on any type of level.

It's only 5:30, and we only set up the music and other things but more likely it doesnt matter to me because deep down we aren't having a big ass party and everything so more likely it wouldn't matter to me anyways 

ding dong the door bell rang and I was only in my room looking for clothes to wear so I got my robe and went down stairs and went to the door.

i opened the door and i saw matthew standing there with a smile on his face but i didnt mind but my body started to get hot for some type of reason i don't know why. More likely it depends on what it is and why its happened to me." well are we gonna be invited in or all yall just gonna have a stairing contast on who can look at each other the longest." jackson said and no matter what or how he said it i started to blush on my face no matter how

" oh sorry about that come in, jasmine is in her room getting ready and so am i supposed to be so ill be back." i said and just went up stairs and went in my room and got on my outfit that was pre-set for tomorrow for a girls day with jasmine for the movies but i guess i can

 find another outfit tomorrow. after getting ready and doing my hair and putting make-up on i went to jasmine's room to see if she was ready so i knocked on the door and she wasnt there so i went down stairs to see where she was. when i got down there i heard laughting coming from the backyard i suposely think something is going on but there wasnt it was just jasmine, matthew, and jackson but jasmine and jackson was sitting next to each other. But the only empty seat was next to matthew so i guess i was going to sit there.

" what is everyone laught at?" i asked while trying to be calm by sitting next to matthew but i couldn't. It was awkward for me and everything after months of me and him not talking and me and him having sex i guess things between me and him would or could work out for the best but Im guessing or maybe guessing not 

" things that happened at jackson's party the othe month" right than in there i didnt want to ask or even said anything about the likeing of that party ever again i shouldn't even asked about what they was talking about at all. 

" oh ?" i guess and then i didnt say anything after that " anyone thursty"  and then jasmine and jackson said yes so i got up and went to the kitchen and got 3 drinks im guessing matthew wasn't thursty at all.

" well I'm guessing your not talking to me" i heard his husky voice ring in my ears and nothing but silence consumed the air.

" I-I just don't have nothing to stay that all" i said and turned slowly around 

" I know I seem scarey but I'm not riley im as jental as everyone else I'm not cold hearted as you think im a real person with real feeling." he took a deep breath and said " I'm not going to lie at the party I thought that you looked pretty in a dress and everything. but I'm not trying to be pushy and everything but when i layed eyes on you when we was in 5th grade i didn't know what to say at all. but riley i do like you ans i always have, just in the past i just wanted you to notice me and everything but i guess when we was playin-" right there i stopped him from even finishing his sentence and everything i just wanted him to stop everything 

" just stop please" i said and just walked out and just gave jasmine and jackson there drink then i went back in the house where matthew was in the kitchen still standing there waiting so i stood in front of him and looked at him  

" but why?" i said 

" But why what ?" 

" but why didn't you ever told or tell me that you like me, why did you have to get my attention of fucking every girl in the school after middle school to get my attention." i said with my hand cross 

" because i didnt know how to approch you in the first place."

" well i'd would be glade but when we hooked up at the party 3 week ago i didnt know what to do thats the only thing i was thinking about and thats was the only thing i could sleep on, im not staying that it wasnt good or anything but im saying that i do like you i didnt know how to deal with anything after the party my parents slipped and they left this house to me until graduation." " and now i am in this kitchen with you explai.." right there and than his just kissed me and made me stop rumbling about things i felt like i was in heave with him i felt like i had nothing else to do or say at that time of place right now i felt like having to do something with matthew than anything else more likely be with him...

after kissing that felt like hours with him, i looked in his eyes and saw a sparkle in his eyes that says i wanna be with you for foreve and not let you go.

" know what ?" i said with a soft voice because i was breath taken without him and everything 

" would say that if you riley McCarthy would you do me the honors of being my girlfriend" i didnt know what to say i felt like i should be but than again i shouldn't lets just see what happens 

" i would love to only on one condition if you don't tell secrets to lie to me than we are on a good condition okay.' right there he was the happiest preson ever we kissed and felt like we was in our own land with no one to worry about.

" ugh okay love fest you guys can stop devouring eachother" 

right there my moment was killed 


hey guys,

I know I've been busy and not updating at all I've been in a writers block moment at the time but i finally finished what I got you guys the part i think yall been waiting for but ill get better at the updating okay so be patent with me :) keep voting, comment?, and even rating on everything right on my wall if you have any ideas for the book and ill put them in or even inboxx me if you want, feel free to have an opinion on things 

LiBraaa___ out 





:) ;) :P

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