Chapter 16

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"I need to apologise to him soon or I never will."

Scott was talking to Mitch in their bed just venting to him about topics that are bothering him, y'know... as an engaged couple should. Night had fallen and they were in their bed, Mitch laying on his back on top of Scott, legs in a tangle, cuddling while drinking some wine. Having a wine night. Wyatt was curled up on the pillow next to Scott's tuft of wild, untamed hair. There was a tub of mint choc-chip ice cream with two spoons in it in front of them and a romantic movie was playing on their screen.

"call him now then."

Wyatt meowed in agreement.


Scott picked his phone up and left the room to call Avi, leaving Mitch to pick up Wyatt and pull him into his chest to cuddle until Scott came back.

Scott was waiting for a reply, the phone was ringing but no--

(Avi:Italics Scott:Normal)


"Hey, Av, how ya been?"

"Alright, still shaken up about the after-party and what happened but Kevin's helping me out a lot."

"That's good... listen... I wanted to talk to you."


"I just... remember the last time I called you?"

"Huh? Oh yeah?" What about it?"

"Well... I was going to tell you something but you cut me off."

"Oh, what were you going to say?"

"Well... I was going to apologise to you... about what happened on the tour bus a few months ago."

"About you blowing up at me on the bus?"


There was a brief silence before Scott could hear the sound of deep laughter came through the other line.

"What's so funny?"

"The fact that you still see the need to apologise."

 "I mean... yeah?"

Avi stopped laughing to talk to Scott properly.

"look, scott, it's like what i said to kevin earlier... it doesn't matter anymore. sure, i wish none of it happened, of course, we all do. i wish i still had my girl and daniel would leave me alone but what's happened happened. we can't do anything about it so we just need to... accept it and move along. thanks for the apology though... appreciate it."

"k. later av."

"bye scott. now go back to mitch, i know you two are having some sort of wine night."

"*chuckle* we were!... and i will... thanks."

*call ended*

Scott walked back into the room only to find an empty wine bottle, the ice cream was in Mitch's lap and his wine glass was empty and his fianceé in tears.

"mishy-moo... what's wrong, sweetheart?"

He crawled next to him and pulled him into his side. Mitch pointed at the screen with a shaky hand.

"h-he betrayed her a-and th-then sh-she--"

He continued to sob as Scott pulled him into his chest letting him cry. a couple of minutes passed and Mitch looked up at him.

"p-promise me... we'll never turn out like that..."

"I promise."

Scott held out his ring finger and Mitch looked confused.

"it's pinky promise. not ringy promise..."

"This, my love, is a husbands promise. We may not be husbands yet but it still stands. Now how about some more wine yeah?"

"mmm yes please."

Scott pecked his lips quickly before he left and came back with another bottle of red and a bottle of Chardonnay.

"mm. my fav."

"oh i know."

Mitch reached over to grab the bottle out of his boyfriend's hand but it was puled away which made the brunette frown.

"what do you say?"

Scott was teasing him. Mitch knew that. He decided to play along.

"Please, daddy."

Scott was turned on now. He set the drinks aside and moved the tub of ice cream to the bedside table where the glasses were before attacking his lover's lips before moving to hover over him. Wyatt took that as an opportunity to escape before the inevitable happened and rushed to the guest room to spend the night there.

The movie was forgotten and so was the supposed wine night that they were in the middle of before moving under the sheets to something... more intimate...

ThE EnD Is NeAR!!!!

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