Chapter 6

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"Soooooooo.... PTX meet up? "

Kirstie was on the phone to the rest of the band talking about when they should go hangout. They wanted to talk and catch up. Ever since the incident 8 months ago they hadn't spoken to each other, Avi especially, he shut himself off from everyone, except Esther of course, and Kirstie thought it would be good for him to get out of the house.

"We should go to that café up LA. Tea, coffee and tea biscuits, sandwiches, pastries all the good stuff. We can meet up at four thirty tomorrow and talk? "

"Yeah that sounds great, kit! "

"Momma likes the sound of coffee. "

"Yeah sure. "

"Avi? "





"ok. "

"Then it's settled! Tomorrow a four-thirty, we'll meet at the Lé Café Aú Rú and talk. I'll see you all there then. Bye boys and girls. "

"Bye girl! "
"Bye girl! "

"Bye kit"

"*call end*"

"He's not doing to well is he? "

"He is improving though"

"How? "

"He let me walk him home earlier this week and he cuddled up next to me while I wrapped my arm around him and he kissed me before he closed the door of the house and thanked me for walking him home and helping him move in. So I say he's improved. "

"... wow. "

"That's good. "

"Yeah. "

"Well see y'all. "

"Bye Kev. "

"Bye! "

"Bye Kevo! "

The Lé Café Aú Rú, despite its name, wasn't a fancy, expensive restaurant. It was pretty tame.

Kirstie being the one to organize the meet up, was the first one there. Oh so she thought, she walked up to the restaurant to see Avi sat at one if the outside tables reading a menu.

"Hi Av. "

His head snapped up like he was caught doing something wrong before he slowly dropped his head back down. Kirstie noticed that he wasn't reading the menu he had been give, he was fiddling with his fingers.

"How are you? "

Kirstie tried to start conversation with the bearded man as she sat down but all she got was silence. Good thing Scott, Mitch and Kevin have good timing.


"Hey guys. "

They sat down and a waitress gave them their  menus. Mitch leaned to Kirstie, he was right next to her.

"what happened before we got here? things looked awkward. "

"they were, i asked how he was and he didn't answer me, he just looked away and played with his hands like I'm not here. honestly... rude if you ask me. "

Now she thought she was whispering but she was being quite loud. Scott noticed that.

"Guys don't talk about him like he's not here. If he didn't answer your question maybe it's because he didn't want to. "

Speak Up... (Sequel to Can't Say...)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon