Chapter 2

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Italics: Flashbacks

Since Pentatonix have been on break, Kevin has been dealing with his own problems one mainly being his relationship with his bandmate and boyfriend of 3 years, the pass 6 months had really damaged not only Avi's mental health and sanity, but damaged the relationship between him and the rest of the band, since they all thought he was cheating except for Scott but he then blew up at Avi cause he didn't have any answers. He knew that he didn't deserve the green eyed man he fell in love with all those years ago but he wanted to be able to call him his.

"Kevin. I really don't want to be around you right now. And I don't know when I will ever want to be around you again. Right now, I need someone who has put up with me these past 6 months without blowing up at me or doing anything to harm my mental health and wellbeing. And if I am being honest with you Kevin. You aren't one of those people."

He would have to start from square 1. He had lost the mans trust and would have to earn it back (little did he know he had started that already). But regardless of that, he had his own personal problems.

His dad.

Now don't go getting me wrong here now. His dad isn't his problem, it's more of a... family problem that started the day after the surprise pregnancy.

My phone rang next to me on the coffee table, I was sleeping on the couch because I didn't want to be in the same bed as my cheating boyfriend, I don't even know if I can call him that anymore. I checked the caller ID to see my dad? But he never calls me. (Italics/Bold: Kevin Italics/Underlined: His dad)
Dad you never call me, what happened?
I just wanted to call my son-
I have 30 miss calls and 25 voice messages from you. alone. What is wrong?
Son, your father has gotten himself into some trouble.
*sigh* What kind of trouble, dad?
...Financial trouble...
So you decided to call me because you assume that I have more money because I'm a well known musician?
Well I mean-
That's low dad. I'm not that rich, dad. Why don't you call Candice. She's a doctor. Doctors make good money.
You're not gonna help your old man out?
Father, do not guilt trip me into helping you out with your problems, I have my own problems to deal with right now considering my life and I need to focus on them. I'll help you if I can but not now.
Well, thanks son.
Bye dad.
That's one more thing to worry about.

His dad had gotten himself into some... shady business with shady people, he was struggling to pay medical bills and turned to his brother who claimed he knew 'loaners' who would loan him some money, they did and kept loaning him money when he needed it, but after 4 loans, they demanded all their loans back within the next week (mind you that was a sum of... give me a minute *calculates* $75,000,000) or they would increase it by $1,000 every week it wasn't played, of course he didn't have that money so he turned to his family members and Kevin was the last one, his other daughter said she'd help as much as she could, his wife, Curline, said she'd try. But Kevin. His own son, wouldn't help him. At least not yet. He had his own problems.

Money has always been a problem with Mr Olusola ever since he had started his gambling addiction. He would've lost all his money if he didn't have his wife to stop him but now they're all suffering from it. They almost lost the house at one point if Kevin didn't decide to pitch in that year and loan them $4,000 that same day. (Best be thankful for a son like Kevin😑) but of course that money was spent quite fast due to his gambling on the rise and soon enough that money was spent faster than Kevin had saved it. Honestly, the family were in turmoil and Kevin was trying to help but how could he when the same thing would happen. He even considered letting them use his bank account but he decided against it.

He just hoped he could solve both problems before times done.

How can he solve his dads problems?
How can he solve the problems between him and Avi? In time?

Stay tuned and Stay Royal My Royalties👑👑👑~~.

Speak Up... (Sequel to Can't Say...)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें