Jimin stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to do as he looked around the room, but he saw nothing that peeked his interest. Apart from the really good looking person who saved his life before, but there was something he'd discovered when talking to his friends that terrified and intrigued him all at once.

"C-can I ask you something?" Jimin got more jittery as the question had been nagging him as he stared at Taehyung, seeing his golden eyes and he knew there was no point even asking the question.
"Your friends told me everything when I spoke to them but is it true? A-are you a werewolf?" He asked so shyly like when it was the first time they met.
"Yes" Was all Taehyung said, watching how Jimin seemed to release a breath he'd been holding in, running his hands through his hair as he paced around the room a little.

"Are you scared?" Taehyung asked and he dreaded the answer. If Jimin was to turn and say yes, it would just cause more heartbreak, he never wanted Jimin to be scared of him.
"A little, just more surprised that you actually got out" Jimin answered followed by a small silence where he was left to think it over some more.

He was talking to a werewolf. A werewolf. He'd heard about this magic zoo thing before and he never wanted to visit it, thinking that it was unfair to the creatures to have them locked away to be stared at.
He'd expected himself to be more scared if he was to even see a werewolf, let alone talk to one, especially one who hit his head and wasn't thinking straight. But there was something calming to Taehyung, especially compared to the other three who seemed nice, but they didn't have a quality to them that Taehyung had. He gave off this aura of protection and trust like no other person and for some reason it was drawing Jimin in.

He looked back at the wolf, noticing how he had perched himself on the window as he was now staring at something outside, completely fixated on it like it was the most interesting thing in the whole world. His curiosity got the better of him as he walked and looked out, following his eye line. He had to admit he was a bit disappointed that it was only the moon. But when he looked back at Taehyung, he was hooked onto it and even when Jimin moved to sit across from him on the window sill he didn't budge, staring directly at it.

"You like the moon?" Jimin tried to lighten up the atmosphere that was heavy and solemn. It didn't help when all Taehyung did was shrug.
"Why do you like it?" He asked, trying to get something out of him. Although at this point he was wondering why he was even trying. He clearly didn't want Jimin here, yet something in his gut told him he had to stay. Taehyung suddenly had some sort of significance to him. It was most likely the fact he saved his life without even knowing him, but it felt like they had met before in some way.

It felt like Jimin had some sort of connection he couldn't put into words with this Taehyung, but all he knew was he couldn't get him out of his head and he made his heart do flips and his stomach filled with butterflies. He tried to shake it off at first, brushing it off as a silly crush, but the reminder that he seemed to know Taehyung from somewhere and he had these feelings for him made Jimin stay hooked on him.

Taehyung didn't answer as Jimin sighed, looking at the moon too, seeing that the more he stared at it, the more comfort he actually found. It's gentle light that shone down wasn't overbearing like the sun, yet it was illuminating and bright enough to bring some form of light. He was beginning to relax, even just looking at it.

"That's exactly why I like it" He heard Taehyung's deep voice that made him feel a certain type of way, turning to look at him. He didn't know he was being watched, but Taehyung didn't even seem to care he'd been caught.
"I find comfort in it" Taehyung told Jimin.

"So, do you do it often?" Jimin asked
"Most nights" Taehyung spoke
"I talk to it sometimes too" He spoke, but only then he realised he sounded crazy, but Jimin seemed genuinely curious.
"I-I used to hope there was somebody on the other side, talking back, but I was wrong"

Taehyung sighed as he looked away from Jimin, feeling that familiar sting in his eyes that he hated because he knew what came after that.

"I'm always here to talk about it" Jimin piped up sweetly, Taehyung almost sniggering at his words.
"Jimin, you're nice, but nothing you can do for me can undo this" Taehyung told him
"Maybe I can't undo it, but I can help ease it" Jimin spoke, but Taehyung couldn't. He knew the only way to ease his pain and it was something Jimin would never do.

"Jimin I-"
"Why don't we hang out?" Jimin suggested, Taehyung looking at him and seeing he was being completely genuine.
"I mean we could go for a walk and a chat or go find a town somewhere or have a drink" Jimin suggested but that confused Taehyung.
"Jimin, How did you get here?" He asked and Jimin seemed to freeze for a moment.

"I don't know" He answered, worrying Taehyung.
"It's weird, I-I don't remember anything before the accident where you saved me" Jimin told him, further confusing Taehyung.
"I must have hit my head or something, and at first I was worried that I can't, but it feels like there was nothing important in my life I needed to remember before-"

He cut himself off.

He wanted to finish that sentence and yet at the same time he couldn't. He didn't know why, he knew the exact words he wanted to say, yet he was partly afraid. They'd only met for a few hours and even then, Jimin had barely seen him those few hours, spending time with his friends and seeing how lovely they all were.

"Anyway, I'll come to your room at some point and we can go somewhere" Jimin suggested before he got up from the window sill.
"I hope you're feeling okay soon" Jimin told him, although it was not what he wanted to say as he let himself out.

There was a lot running through Taehyung's mind as he got up from his spot and went and lay on his bed, his mind rushing on all these things.

Jimin remembered nothing before he had the accident, why?
All the others had their lives they'd been living before they met and remembered the guys. Yet Jimin was different and he had nothing before being placed in that moment. Maybe it was true and he hit his head, but it felt like there was something deeper going on.

Something a lot deeper.


It's my birthday today! I'm officially 18!!!
So as a birthday present for me, can you all answer this question, I'd appreciate it a lot!

So, we're nearing the end of the trilogy, 5 chapters left to be exact, therefore that means new stories I hope you'll stick around for.

Basically I have a few options for you for my next story:

1. I have a jikook one which is based on a mixture of ghost, 13 reasons why and all the bright places. It's finished and nearly edited but I wonder if it's took dark to upload.

2. I have wrote half of a yoonmin that I've lost inspiration for but could try and continue about a stripper who wants to be a dancer and a world famous rapper.

3. I have a Vkook one which is the same as the yoonmin one about two friends who meet and fall in love online.

4. I start an imagines book with each chapter just being a short story/ scenario you guys can request with each member.

5. I start a new vmin story, but I basically need ideas and I'd like you to potentially give me inspiration, whether it's a film you like or an idea you love but don't want to do yourself.

So let me know
1. 'My Last Note'- Jikook
2. 'Save Me'- Yoonmin
3. 'Break the Distance'- Taekook
4. Imagines/ scenarios
5. Vmin

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