Harley's Dilemma

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I opened the door and stepped inside. I hesitantly flipped the light switch. The room was suddenly awash with warm light, brightening the features of the space. The walls were a nice navy blue, with a white ceiling. I had a queen size bed, a wooden desk with a gray lamp, and all kinds of shelves stacked with books. It also had a walk-in closet complete with all of my suits that Tony had made me, though I usually stuck to my original red and blue suit.

It was a whole lot nicer than my tiny room at home, but I didn't mind having a small room. It was cozy and snug and I'm not the kind of person to have loads of stuff anyway. Plus, Aunt May is there and that's all that really matters.

I flopped down on the gigantic bed and sighed in relaxation as I stared at the blank ceiling.

Everybody else decorated their rooms and basically renovated them to however they wanted them because they actually live here. But like I said, I only stay here when it's necessary, plus I love this room just the way it is.

I decided to change out of my suit into regular clothes. I went to my closet and pulled out some of the clothes I had left behind in there from previous missions and put them on. It ended up just being dark blue jeans and a black shirt.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and texted Harley:

Hey, where are you? I'm at the tower. I want to see you.

He texted back within 45 seconds:

Intern's quarters. Andrew and David are playing Mario Kart. It's getting intense.

I snickered and started on my way to the intern's quarters.

I could hear shouting from all the way down the hall once I got to the 16th floor. My eyes widened as I got closer to the room. I pulled open the door, my eyes locked onto Harley with a "is it really that intense?" look and my eyebrows raised. He just nodded.

"Come sit," he patted the part of the couch next to him and I obliged. "Hi," I giggled. "Missed you."

"Awww, I missed you too babe." Harley kissed me quickly and ruffled my hair.

"It's not even been 24 hours since you two last saw each other," Felicity rolled her eyes. "You sound like a cringe high school couple."

"That's because we are," Harley laced our fingers together and held up our interlocked hands for everyone to see. "And we're proud of it."



"Ignore them," Felicity motioned to the front of the room, where, as Harley had said, Andrew and David were fixated on Mario Kart.

"Hey, gaming is competitive," I replied and she shrugged.

"Hey," Harley nudged me, "wanna meet on the top again? Like old times?"

"Old times?" I laughed.

"Yes, old times. Months ago." He smiled.

"Sure," I said. We hadn't had a meeting on the roof for a while. We used to do it every night. But then I went to Wakanda and Harley had to deal with the Eric situation and we were both too busy and preoccupied. But I'm glad he wanted to start it back.

"You know what tomorrow is?" He asked with a sly smile.

"What?" I pretended to be completely clueless, even though I obviously knew what tomorrow is.

"It's our 2 month anniversary dumbass."

"I know, I'm just joking," I start to tickle him and he kicks and squirms until I stop. He's that kind of person that will physically hurt you if you tickle them.

"What do you want to do for it?" I ask him as he regains his breath.

"We could go out to eat or go to the park or something," he shrugs.

"I just had an idea." It's the best idea.

"What is it?"

"Like I'd tell you. It's a surprise."

"Babyyy, tell meeee," he pushed his lower lip out and fake begged.

"No," I giggled, "tomorrow you'll find out."

"Ugh," he sat up and crossed his arms in defeat.

I winked at him.


A few hours later, Peter and I headed up to the roof. It was our first time doing this in a while and I was happy. It felt like it had before all of this shit happened. Just me and Peter, like it's supposed to be.

I brought tons of fuzzy blankets and sweatshirts so we didn't get cold. Even summer in New York is still freezing at nighttime, especially to someone like me. Since I'm from Tennessee, anything below 60°F is freezing to me.

I let Peter wear my school sweatshirt and he loved it. It was way too big on him and the sleeves went past his arms but he said he likes oversized sweatshirts. We wrapped up in a blanket and stargazed for a while, meaning we looked at the sky and told dirty jokes and laughed our asses off.

He cuddled into me and I wrapped him in my arms and pulled him closer. I played with his hair, running my fingers through it and ruffling it all up, then straightening it back out again. I could feel his heart beating against my chest and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I love him so much.

I leaned down and kissed him softly and gently, almost like a first kiss. He wrapped his hands around my neck and kissed me stronger.

"I don't ever want you to leave," he whispered as we pulled apart. He looked into my eyes. He had brown puppy dog eyes. I adore them.

"Let's not worry about that right now, okay?" I gave him a forehead kiss and he snuggled his head back into my chest. "Okay," he mumbled.

But after Peter brought that up, that's all I could think about. I can't leave Peter. He's the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time.

What am I going to do?


(A/N this chapter was so much fun to write because I love fluffy lovey-dovey chapters like this :,) I hope you guys enjoyed it too. pleaseeee vote, comment, and follow me if you haven't already ;) thanks so much for reading.)

bye for now

•2,302 words•

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