❅ Bonus Chapter ❅ Part Two ❅

Start from the beginning

Clarissa nodded matter-of-factly, closing the pocket watch and stuffing it into her pocket on her chest. "It is much more. Much, much more. It is special." She was overjoyed to have such a special trinket she would get to keep. It was her pride and joy, never before had she had something this special. She knew nothing would make her part with it.

Lena Nowak pushed open Clarissa's bedroom door as she walked in, having Cyrene on her hip as she blew her honey blonde from her jade green eyes. "Cyrene wishes to tell her older sister goodnight before she goes to bed." She softly spoke, a soft smile on her young nanny's lips.

Cyrene rubbed her eyes and yawned leaning over to her sister as she was set down on the bed. It was much easier to get her to bed than her big sister. It didn't take much for her to fall asleep. "Nighty night Rissa!" She exclaimed happily with a tired smile on her lips. She wrapped her arms around her.

Clarissa hugged her sister back before pulling away yawning. She rubbed her eyes then gave her sister a tired look. "Goodnight Cyrene. Sleep well." She looked over to Sherry hoping that she hadn't seen her yawn. If she yawned then her many would watch her like a hawk until she fell asleep. She could never get away faking it. She always seemed to have a plan to fool it.

Cyrene nodded, resting her head on her nanny's shoulder and yawning. She didn't know how much longer she could keep her eyes open. She smiled softly at her sister's words. "You too." She almost whispered, waving to her sister as she was taken to her room by her nanny and put to bed, falling fast asleep before she hit the pillow.

Sherry set the brush down on the nightstand and pulled down the covers. "Come on, time to get into bed." She explained, picking Clarissa up and setting her on the sheets before pulling the covers up. "Sleep well, Clarissa." She pressed a soft kiss into her forehead. She gave her the look of 'you better go to sleep or else.

Clarissa snuggled under the covers and smiled sleepily. else's. She knew that look and would obey because she was asleep, not that she would admit that. "Goodnight Nanny." She softly spoke, and within the time it took for Sherry to walk over to the door Clarissa was sleeping soundly. Her breathing was even and a little snore could be heard here and there.

Sherry gave a soft smile at the sleeping princess. She was honored to be able to watch over this young girl for the royals. She loved her job, she wouldn't have asked for anything else. She knew Clarissa was going to do big things when she got older, she was special. Just like her sister.

Everyone at that time had gone to bed. The palace was quite safe for the footsteps of the night patrol guards. It was oddly a nice night. It may have been bitterly cold outside, but there was no wind. Inside the palace, every fireplace within was blazing, keeping every room someone was in warm.

A few hours later was when things began to get worse. The royals had been unaware that the townspeople had started to gather at the gates. All those in the castle had been given the night to retire to bed early since it had been a busy few weeks. So, only two young guards were watching the front gate, since it was locked up as normal.

The sudden clanging of people ramming something into the gate to break it down since the lock was from the inside and not the outside. The two young guards had been sleeping on duty so they were abruptly woken up by the rattling of the gate. Soon, guards rushed out, flooding the courtyard to see what was going on.

They noticed the people gathering up behind the gate, many carrying muskets or swords, others held torches chanting "Down with the Queen and King." over and over again. That was when they sounded the alarm, waking up everyone in the castle.

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