My body felt so heavy and incredibly sore, though I guess that's to be expected.
I sighed softly as I opened my eyes.
I remember running after an attack. The burning in my legs and lungs, was out matched by the pain in my stomach and lower hips. It felt like I was in hell.
I kept going in and out of consciousness during the run to the castle, Randolph basically carried me the whole way here as Salazum and Jade healed me continuously the entire time.
The pain was excruciating and it took all I had to bring my children into the world, before I passed out again.
This was all my fault. I was warned not to use magic until after they were born and I did. I put our lives at risk and even though it was to save us from someone trying to hurt us, I could have done it differently.
I blinked as my eyes focused on the side of a blurry neck. I'm laying next to someone? I don't remember falling asleep with another person in the bed.
I followed their neck up to Klaus's sleeping face. Relief washed over my achy body. He came back? I thought he'd be on the train and too far from being able to help, but he's right here. "Klaus?" My voice shook, due to the thought of this being a dream or a vivid hallucination. I didn't want it to be either. I wanted to apologize for being rash and endangering all of our lives.
I slowly reached up and touched his chin gently with my finger tips, but he inhaled sharply as his warm hand caught my wrist. He must have kept himself from sleeping to deeply.
"Your fingers are cold." He whispered as his eyes opened and locked with mine. They began to burn as I tried to hold back the tears I have been withholding since I made it to Oberon's castle.
"You're really here?" I didn't even wait for him to answer before I jumped at him and hugged him. Oh, this feels good. All that time worrying about him leaving and yet he came back as soon as I woke up. He's breathing, heart beating, everything I thought I had lost, is right here in my arms.
He laughed happily in my ear and wrapped his arms around me to keep me from pulling back, but I wasn't going to for a while. "Of course I'm here. No matter where I am Kayle, when you're in danger, I'd go through hell and back to get to you."
That was surprisingly sweet coming from him. I lifted myself up slightly to see his face. "When did you get so charming?" I teased.
He chuckled in response as he looked up at me with such a loving expression that I could tell that even he was just happy to be here. "When you actually started to kiss me back or it could have been when we married, or maybe when you nearly gave your life for our sons." When I nearly gave both our lives for our, wait, what?
"What? They're both boys?" I asked moving to try to look, but he gently moved my face back towards his, with his jealous side showing again. He did just go through a lot too.
"You can see them in a minute, but first I was hoping for a long awaited kiss. I have been patiently waiting for you to wake up." He smirked, which got me to raise my eyebrow at him.
Has he really? Well, that does explain why he was sleeping so lightly. "You were leaving for two days. What if I with hold your kiss until then?" I asked lightly taping his nose with my finger. Of course, I wouldn't do such a thing, but his expression would always be cute when I said stuff like that.
His smile faltered for a second, but the next thing I know, he's forcing our bodies to switch places.
Ah, here's the pushy Goldstein I used to know.
His face hung over mine with determination lingering in his eyes. "That's just mean of you, after all I did run all the way here once I managed to get passed the gate." He moved closer to me with each word until he was only four inches from me.
He sure is taking his time for someone hoping for a kiss. Still, he is being adorable, so I'll let it go, for now.
His eyes darted around my face, before locking with mine again. "I love you."
He didn't let me say it back before his lips crashed down on mine, which was kind of rude, but I could kind of understand the impatience.
His kiss was almost desperate, clinging to his life line.
Was he really that worried? I feel bad for teasing him now. "I love you too Klaus." I whispered back once he finally let up.
When I opened my eyes, his expression was sad. "I'm sorry that I left you alone."
He's blaming himself too? What a pair we make. "You didn't, I was with my parents and all of us made it out unharmed." I reminded with a smile. Speaking of parents. "Though, I would like to see our children."
Seeing as I passed out, I never actually got to see them. His eyes practically twinkled at those words. "I like that. Our children. Especially after how long it took for us to end up here, Mrs. Stubborn."
Wha- How terrible of him to bring that up. I was not being hard-headed for no reason and he knows that.
I smirked back playfully, ready with my own pay back. "Just making sure this wasn't puppy love."
I, of course was lying through my teeth and by his expression, he knew it. "Bite your tongue. This is nothing less than serious and deep, this love that we share."
And, he's instantly back to the Klaus I know again. He changes his personality faster than a light can switch.
I laughed. "Demanding it now, are we?"
He chuckled in reply. "Well, I recall the words you spoke to me once. Something like, we'd never happen and look where we are now. I think that me being a little cocky was fairly earned, don't you?"
Huh, he did have a point, but being overly confident could lead to far worse things. "Okay, that's fair and I did put you through a lot as well, so I'll allow it." If he's going to play egotistic, I'll play bossy.
He playfully narrowed his eyes at my comment. And his smirk grew. "Will you now? How generous." He mumbled before kissing me again, but this time it was slower and more passionate than before. It was the kind that showed how much he truly loved me, instead of just saying he did.
"You know me, I aim to please." He laughed at my joke, before he climbed out of bed. So, I get to meet our sons now?
My heart raced with the anticipation. Would they recognize me, or will they be afraid of me? Now, I'm worried. "I'll grab our sons, you stay in bed. After yesterday's events, your body is still probably in pain." He mentioned giving me a look, so I couldn't argue.
Not really like I was going to, the lower half of my body felt like it was gutted, but that could have been because I ran while eight months pregnant and feared for our lives. Besides, my leg muscles burned worse than anything else.
Klaus reached into what looked like a hand carved crib. Little Unicorns and fairies were carved into it with an outline of swirls to accentuate the designs, it was beautiful.
He gently pulled a tiny baby from the crib and headed over to me with the biggest, goofiest smile that I've ever seen on his face before. They're newborns and he's already a proud papa bear. "They're identical, so we'll have a hard time telling them apart."
When he began to lay our son in my arms, I could have sworn that he recognized me, due to the toothless smile he gave me and how his eyes lit up. "He likes you."
I laughed at that. "Klaus, you read plenty of books on the subject of pregnancy and newborns, so you know that they're born with blurry vision. He'd recognize my voice, not my face." But it would be nice if he did.
His hand rested on our son's head as he started to fall back asleep. He's so tired, but beautiful and I'm not just saying that because I'm his mother.
His mom, there is something that I never thought I'd get to say.
"I don't know, he sure seemed to brighten when his eyes locked with yours." I smirked up at him, when a calm expression graced his features. "Motherhood seems to suit you, especially when you're holding my son."
He looks so at peace. I wonder how long he's wanted children with me? Wait, HIS son?
Exasperated, I rolled my eyes. "Really Klaus? Who's the one that went through incredible pain to bring them into the world? If anything they're my sons." I shot back at his usual ruining the mood.
He grinned mischievously as he leaned closer. "That's not what I was referring to." Yes, I figured that was a reference towards my ex, which, if everything turned out differently, I don't think that I would have ended up with Azusa anyway.
My expression fell flat, which earned me another chuckled. "How many guys do you think I wanted to have kids with? You idiot." I easily dismissed that irritating remark, which he seemed to enjoy not only my comment, but my reaction too.
"You two are back at this?"
The new voice made Klaus sigh and move to grab our other son. He always hated it when people interrupt us.
"Aww, are these the little cuties I've heard about?"
No, I'm just holding a random baby and it's purely a coincidence that they look like a mash up of me and Klaus.
Thomas moved over quickly with Elaine and Elias following, their excitement still couldn't rival mine. "They're so small." Elaine laughed.
Well, they were born yesterday. I'd be in more pain if they were bigger than they are.
"Have you picked out names for them yet?" Elaine asked moving to sit on the bed beside me. I shook my head, I wouldn't even know where to start. We hadn't started with the baby name guessing due to the wedding and then Klaus worrying about me moving around.
Thomas placed two bags on the foot of the bed. "I sort of got out of hand and bought a lot of stuff for your children." He mentioned as Klaus walked over with the other boy and climbed into bed beside me. "So, who won? Did little brother get the girl he wanted?"
Oh, that, I completely forgot about that too. I laughed softly. "No, they're both boys."
Honestly after everything, I wouldn't of cared what gender they were as long as they survived.
Elias sat down beside Klaus to see his nephew better. "They took after Kayle in appearance."
Yeah, I think that pleases Klaus. He's going to have little male versions of me around once they're old enough, but that means they'll get into mischief too.
"It's the unicorn side that was dominant." Thomas mentioned climbing on the bed to sit by mine and Klaus's folded legs. "They'll probably even take after her with their magic."
That would make them a target too, and even if they won't be able to have a unicorn form due to their human father, people will still try to hurt them.
"Were you really attacked in your own home?" Elias asked like he couldn't wait anymore.
Klaus's body stiffened at those words. He's still angry, not that I blame him, I am too.
"Yeah." I kept the answer short and sweet. It's not really the best topic right now, and I'm not even sure that it's safe to go back there.
Thomas gently reached out to stroke the baby's face, that I was holding. "Dad showed up at the Ministry with Vincent and two men that looked like they were put through the ringer. He told us what went down, but I was hoping that it was just, I don't know, that it really didn't happen."
I can understand that, I mean deep down, I wanted it not to be true. I wanted that place to be safe for us.
"Did they ever find out who those men were and why they went after us?" I inquired, getting all eyes to fall in me in surprise.
It's not that I really wanted to know, I had to. I can't be blind to those who are brazen enough to break into my home and nearly kill me and my sons.
"You didn't feel their intentions?" Klaus spoke like he was unsure about asking.
I scoffed angrily. My husband just left for two days, I was worried about what I was going to do and the boys were kicking because I was dwelling again.
"I kind of had more important things on my mind." I replied honestly. "You're holding one of them."
Thomas laughed as Klaus grimaced at the memory. "Fair enough." He sighed before speaking again. He knows, doesn't he? "Embri hired the people who attacked. He wanted to take our children from you, probably in his revenge scheme for what happened with David."
Panic shot through my body as I held my son closer to me.
Embri again? Will he ever give up? He's going to blame me for David for the rest of his life. "Everyone thinks that you've died, along with your children. The only ones that know the truth are those who can be trusted, which are all the Goldsteins, the minister and Vincent, everyone else unfortunately will have to be left in the dark."
I can see why that needs to be done. Someone told Embri where I was and that I was pregnant. That is a horrifying thought.
"And to be safe, you and your kids need to stay in the fairy kingdom until he gives up." Thomas mentioned.
My thoughts exactly. I won't gamble my children's lives on the idea that Embri would get over his schemes.
"Embri spent years trying to get his revenge. He's never going to give up until I'm dead." I sighed heavily.
Hiding out while being hunted wasn't what I'd normally do, but this isn't for me, this is for the new additions to my growing family.
In a comforting gesture, Klaus wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled my body against his. He probably felt my indifference and my resolve.
He kissed the side of my head. "That's not going to happen. I won't let him or anyone else hurt you or our children." He sounded so confident that I wanted to believe him, but I knew that this was just something to say so I'd feel better.
"The Minister will figure out what to do with Embri. For now, mom asked me to give you two this." Thomas pulled out a box from one of the bags.
It was a mahogany color with a silver latch on the front. It wasn't big or small, so I had no idea what could be stored inside.
"She said that these would bring some happiness to you both, maybe some laughs."
Happiness and laughs? Now, I'm really confused.
Curious, I reached out and grabbed it. The wood was smooth, though it felt like it was protected with some kind of magic, but it opened with ease. What laid inside surprised me. It was a small stack of photos of two children, one boy, one girl. "Are these photos of us?" I asked pulling them out of their resting place.
She took pictures of us as kids? Where did she hide them where Walter couldn't find them.
"Yep, of you and Klaus as little kids. I'm probably in a few too, but Klaus pretty much kept you to himself most of the time. He even had a goofy way of saying your name because he couldn't pronounce Kayle when he was four, so he just called you El." That would be pretty adorable and very amusing.
The top image was of Klaus holding onto me as I slept against him comfortably.
"He was jealous that I was your friend for a little bit, so he started calling us Ellis, when we were around each other. It's actually how Elias got his name." I flipped to the next image carefully, so I wouldn't wake or hurt the tiny human I was still holding.
The next image showed Klaus hugging me from behind. He was a cute kid.
Elias sighed in response to his brother's remark. "Of course I was. So, I was basically named after the three of you?" He complained, but seemed to come to terms with it barely a second later. "At least the story was cute. Little Klaus jealous over a girl and butting heads with Thomas."
I chuckled. So, Elias is sassy at times too? A cute story changed his mind, these Goldstein boys I swear.
"Hey, how about Ellis?" I looked at Klaus as he smiled down at our baby in his arms.
Uh, what? "You want to name our son after your nickname for your brother and me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Am I the only one who finds that a bit odd?
He grinned at me now, half challenging and half too happy to care. "Combining my wife and best friend slash brother's names together?"
That earned him an "aww" from myself and Elaine, the coupled with teasing from Thomas and Elias.
"Also it's close enough to Elias's name, so it ties our past into one."
He's really trying his hardest to ensure he gets his way. "Who knew you were so squishy on the inside." Thomas poked Klaus's shoulder, getting me to laugh. They have such a great relationship with one another. I'm happy to be a part of it.
"Hmm, Ellis Goldstein?" I asked softly, considering how the name felt rolling off my tongue. "I don't mind it, but now we have this cutie to name."
All eyes fell onto the baby in my arms, minds working in unison to create the perfect name. "I was thinking maybe David." My eyes shot to Klaus's, which smiled rather amused. After all the irritation David's name brought to him before, I never would have expected those words to leave his lips. "He was your brother and best friend. I figured that you'd want to keep his memory alive in some way."
That made a bunch of feelings start, and all of them mixed. "Well, yeah, but I don't want to have to explain why I named him after the friend I had to kill."
The room fell silent now, finally understanding my dilemma.
I looked back down at the pictures to try filling my mind with something else. There was one of my head laying in Klaus's lap, sleeping again, while he watched his mom take the photo. I smiled gently at how at peace I looked with Klaus around. "What about Davis?" Elias asked gently, getting my attention. "For David and Klaus. Seeing as all of our names tie into Ellis's, but Klaus's." Combine my brother and husband's names?
I glanced at Klaus who was staring at Elias rather strongly, making him look slightly uncomfortable. "Easy Klaus, don't bite." I warned sharply. I knew he felt strongly towards David, but did he really hate the idea of our son sharing half a name with him?
That seemed to knock him out of his trance. "No, I wasn't going to argue, I actually like that. What about you?" Huh? He liked the idea? Is he feeling okay?
His eyes locked with mine as a smile played on his lips faintly. "I do like it too."
Elaine clapped her hands together once. "Then welcome to the family Ellis and Davis." She proudly pronounced.

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