Chapter 59

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Harry was never one to give up that easily. And there's no way he's gonna give up on the one thing he wants the most. Needs the most...

Louis: (groans as he opens his locker).
Harry: (leaning against the locker next to Louis'; shamelessly watching his every move; avoiding everyone's weird looks).
Louis: (annoyed).
Harry: (his eyes fall on the sapphire pendant that is slightly visible through Louis' shirt; smiles, his heart leaping in joy; he still wears it).
Louis: (rolls his eyes and pushes the chain inside when he sees Harry grinning at him) I swear I'm gonna slap that grin off your face.
Harry: (sighs) Lou... please. I just wanna talk.
Louis: Fuck off. (Sees Olly approaching; smiles widely) Hey!
Olly: (enthusiatic; throws an arm around Louis) Lou boo!
Louis: (would've normally moved his arm away but since he knows Harry is watching, he just plays along; How many times has Harry kissed random people in front of his eyes!?)
Harry: (scoffs and rolls his eyes not so subtly).
Olly: (only then does he notice Harry's presence; about to take his hand off).
Louis: (grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers; he nearly squeals in joy when he sees Harry's jaw clench, but then decides not to think much of it; glares at Harry; to Olly) Don't mind him Olly. (Pulls him away) Let's go.
Harry: (takes a deep breath eyeing the two as they disappear into the crowd).


At the Cafeteria:

Liam: Oh God... I'm kinda nervous. The team for Renaissance is gonna be announced in just three more days! Can you believe? Like literally just three more days!
Zayn: (smiles) There's no need to be nervous Liam... I mean... It's obvious that we're gonna win...
Niall: (sighs; not really excited cause if they get selected that means he's gonna have to go through absolute torture for five more months. Or maybe more... But he puts out an act for the sake of his friends.)
Betty: (smirks knowingly).
Harry: (eventhough he's in the middle of shooting lasers through Olly's head, who happens to be sitting right in front of him with Louis, he notices everything; he decides not to question Niall though, cause he knows he won't get an answer...)
Liam: So Haz... any developments with Louis?
Harry: (sighs heavily) No... He always gets away before I could even reason with him...
(He has been pining after Louis for about a week now, but he doesn't seem to be budging at all. And Harry understands... He really does. He knows he's been a dick and he's done some god awful things that make him cringe when he thinks of it now... But it hurts okay? It hurts hearing Louis snap and yell harsh things at him. And Olly... God... Harry just wants to break his face. He's just always with Louis and is kinda all over him...)
Zayn: (sighs as if reading his mind) He'll get around Haz...
Harry: (stays silent).
Niall: (trying to cheer up) Hey is there any party coming up? I'm bored to be honest.
Zayn: Yeah... It's been too long since we've been to one...
Liam: Then maybe we should keep one ourselves. We can invite the teams and other friends...
Niall: (excited) Yeah! Maybe day after tomorrow?
Everyone nod in agreement.
Liam: (grins) And maybe... Louis will come too...
Zayn: (beams) And maybe something will happen... (wiggles his eyebrows earning a smack from Harry).
Harry: (sighs shaking his head) At this moment, I'll be glad if he even glances my way...
Niall: (nudges him) Don't worry. We'll set you up. (Grins) Like Liam did once...
Harry: (groans playfully) That kiss was the start of everything! (Dramatically) The doom of fuckboy Harry.
Zayn: (chuckles) You don't know how glad we are...
Liam: (nods agreeing; thinks) Actually, fuckboy Harry was doomed the day you guys bumped into eachother.
Niall: (motions with his hands) The day green met blue... (sighs) Captain Niall Horan has been busy ever since...
Harry: (scoffs; incredulous) What the fuck did you even do Niall?
Niall: (clutches his chest; dramatically) H-how could you say such a thing!? (Counts with his fingers) Who asked him if he could take your high- ass home!?
Harry: I thought he offered to do that himself.
Niall: (coughs) O-okay... Who was the one who gave him ice-skates for your date!? Ha!
Harry: That was you?
Liam: Hey hey hey... If we're competing for the captain position... then I would like to add that I was the one who first dared them to kiss... (smug).
Zayn: (crosses his arms) Okay then. I would like to add that I kissed Harry.
Niall: (furrows his eyebrows) Um... I think you're confused Zayn. We're talking about being captain of the Larry ship...
Zayn: (rolls his eyes) I know dipshit... (explains) You see since I kissed Harry, he freaked out and decided to go to Doncaster with Louis... (smirking) And what happened in Doncaster? (extremely smug cause he knows he's won this...)
Niall: (groans and slumps on the bench; defeated) Ugh... I hate this... All I ever wanted was to be the captain...
Liam: (bows in front of Zayn) You're now officially The Captain.
Niall: Ugh...
Harry: (shakes his head; chortling) Where did I find you guys...


Harry: (sitting alone on a bench; at the ground; deep in thought; He can't stop thinking about Niall... He knows his friend is hiding something... He knows Niall acts happy when in reality something is really bugging him and Harry really wants to help... The problem is he doesn't know how. Niall will never say it... He knows that now. He can't really ask Betty cause he knows she's the main reason for this... And he feels distraught that he can't help his friend from whatever hardship he's facing; His mind is too clouded that he almost doesn't feel someone sit beside him; but just the aura of that person clears his mind; he's not really surprised to know that the person was Louis but then he didn't really expect him to be here; he looks at him bewildered).
Louis: (not facing Harry; his eyes straight ahead) What's wrong?
Harry: (blinks dumbly; is he imagining things?)
Louis: (sighs; looks at him) You look distressed and you were alone, so... (looks away) What's wrong? (Trying not to sound concerned but failing) Are you okay?
Harry: (Okay, maybe this is real... I mean, the smell of strawberries is so intoxicating and there's no way he's imagining Louis' smell... Or is he? He does feel Louis' scent around him sometimes even when he's not there... is that weird? Probably; imagination or not, he decides he better answers quickly before Louis runs away fed up) I-I... (sighs) It's Niall... He's not... I think he's in some shit... No I know... He acts like nothing's bothering him, but its plainly obvious that something is... And he's not telling any of us! (Groans) Zayn tried asking and Liam did too. But he always changes the topic. I even tried not speaking with him, thinking he might give in but no. (Sighs) I'm scared for him... (looks at Louis who is listening to him intently) What do I do?
Louis: (thinks pursing his lips) Well... you could ask Selena if she knows anything about this...
Harry: (sits up straight; why the hell did he not think of that; smiles) Oh my God Lou... that's a damn good idea!
Louis: (smiles) Happy to help.
Harry: (bites his lip thinking;  There was no way anyone knew he was here... And no one would come here at this time... So Louis must have followed him here; smiles; can't believe how Louis instantly found out that something was troubling him; he knows Harry that well... maybe they're meant to be; Harry grins at the thought of them being soulmates and looks to where Louis was sitting but he is no where to be seen; confused; looks around; sighs; he must've walked away when Harry zoned out; shakes his head smiling; Oh he can't wait for the party.)



Guys, the story is about to end... And don't worry there'll be a whole page thanking you wonderful people...

But like, let's learn  something about eachother :)

What's your favourite color?👀

[This is the first question Louis asks Harry.]

Comment if you remember ;)

Mine's Orange🧡 (I'm a weirdo lol).

And don't forget to vote!

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