And that's how they end up a laughing mess lying on the frozen lake.

On their way home:

Liam: (looks at Zayn) Dont hit me... but, I don't want this day to end...
Zayn: (bites his lip to hide his smile) Me too... surprisingly.
Liam: (smiles).
Zayn: (subtly walks into Liam).
Liam: (laughs; pushes Zayn).
Zayn: (sticks out his tongue; smiles shaking his head) Me too...

Frozen lake:

Lying on the ice facing the sky:

Louis: (pointing to the sky) That one looks like a rabbit.
Harry: (looks where Louis is pointing; shrugs) I think it looks more like a little monster.
Louis: (gives Harry a weird look; under his breath) Freak. Look Look! It has a fluffy tail aswell! (Hits Harry's arm) Told ya it's a rabbit.
Harry: (purses his lips) Could be a little monster with a fluffy tail. (Louis turns to him and gives a look) We may never know.
Louis: (rolls his eyes).
Harry: It is what it is Tommo.
Louis: (exhales deeply) It is what it is.
Harry: (turns to Louis) Hey Lou... tell me about your tattoos.
Louis: (looks at him) Uh... each one tells a story.
Harry: (leans closer) Story time.
Louis: (thinks) How about I tell you the one story that led to all these tattoos?
Harry: (serious) Lou... are you sure?
Louis: (smiles) I am Haz... I lo-like you very much and you're my best friend (Harry looks down). Ofcourse I wanna tell you.
Harry: (bites his lip) But... are you gonna be okay?
Louis: (unsure but nods) Yeah... I mean it happened ages ago...
Harry: Well you can stop whenever you feel uncomfortable okay?
Louis: (smiles) Okay... So uh..  I was 11 when it happened. (Exhales heavily at the memory) My mom had to take care of the girls so... I used to walk home everyday from school. But one day... four men... (eyes glistening; chokes on a sob) Uh...
Harry: (already knows where this is going; rubs his shoulders; also emotional) You don't have to do this Lou...
Louis: (shakes his head) They took me to an alley... I kept thrashing... I tried to run really, I promise I tried to run but they were too strong and... (chokes).
Harry: (pulls Louis to his chest).
Louis: (hides his face in Harry's chest)  They took turns... uh...
Harry: (hugging Louis tightly to his body; also tearing up).
Louis: (between sobs) A-and I was in s-shock I couldn't use my p-powers... until...
Harry: (intertwines their legs).
Louis: Until they stabbed me...
Harry: (anger rushing through his veins; tears feel hot.)
Louis: (sniffles) I don't know what happened but... when I woke up I was in the hospital.
Harry: (doesn't say anything; still hugging him).

Louis: It took 3 weeks for me to heal physically. Mentally.... I was still broken. I mean I was just a kid. Funny how one bad thing could ruin your whole life... (shakes his head) I suffered from PTSD. I had nightmares.  I wouldn't undress while bathing for a year. I didn't speak to anyone. Damn I wouldn't allow anyone other than my mum to touch me for 3 years. I still can't stand close to anyone without having an attack! Except you...
Harry: (kisses the top of Louis' head).
Louis: I became violent. I started cutting. That's what the scars are... (to himself) I'm disgusting. I couldn't control my powers. One day they went out of hand and I almost hurt my sisters. I would've never forgiven myself if that had happened... My stepfather took them away but my mom stayed. (Sniffling) She stayed. She gave me a reason to live again... And I was slowly healing. She slowly glued all my broken parts together. And finally when I was almost whole... my mum died... I was shattered again.
Harry: (tears strolling down his cheek).
Louis: (slowly wipes them; sad smile) It's okay Haz... I got you now.
Harry: (wet snicker; kisses Louis' forehead). What happened to those rats? Did they rot in jail?
Louis: (bites his lip) My powers must have gotten outta control. They were close so... they couldn't survive it... (wet chuckle) The entire city-
Harry: Snowed.
Louis: (nods)
Harry: My parents were killed that day.
Louis: Oh Haz?-
Harry: It's okay let's not talk about it.
Louis: (biting his lip) I'm a murderer aren't I?
Harry: (shakes his head) You're a survivor.
Louis: (looks down).
Harry: Look at me. You are the bravest person I've ever met Lou. You inspire me.
Louis: (chuckles) It wouldn't surprise me if you asked for an autograph.
Harry: Me neither. Sign here please. (Points to his lips).
Louis: (smiles; kisses him softly).
Harry: (pulls away before involving tongue). We shouldn't keep doing this...
Louis: Why not?
Harry: This isn't what friends do...
Louis: Haz I don't-
Harry: Please Lou... (bites his lip struggling) It wouldn't be right to my parents...
Louis: (looks at him sadly; hugs him tightly).
Harry: (wraps his arms around Louis; breathing in his pleasant scent; looks at the sky; sighs contently).

And he lays there holding the fragile yet valiant boy in his arms wishing he'd never forget every small detail of this beautiful moment.


     Sorry for the delay!! But hope you like the Chapter

Louis' Backstory finally!

Fire And Ice L.S Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon