Chapter 18: Finally Home

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We sit quietly in the car and as we arrive I smile seeing Jace in the front yard playing with Woo. Hes being spun in the air like a helicopter. TeeTee parks and helps me get out of the car. I smile big as Jace runs over to me screaming "Mommy! Mommy!" I hug him tightly eventhough it hurts my ribs. I dont care I missed my baby boy. I kiss him over and over.

Y/n: How are you bunbun? I missed you!

J: I misseded you too!

J: I was good. Uncle Woo play wiff me all the day long!

I laugh! He is talking so good for a 3 year old. My heart!

Y/n: Mommy is hungry, did you eat dinner yet?

D: Nope Auntie Duchy just finished!

She walks up hugging me.

D: Dont you scare me like that again!

I chuckled.

Y/n: Right because I was so trying to get in a car accident. I fought my way back. I have too much to live for. I'm not going anywhere.

She hugs me and her arm comes up under my waist.

D: Woo, carry her inside so we can all eat some fried chicken and veggies!

Y/n: No its o- ooookay! Thanks Woo. Lol

W: Dont mention it. Besides Duchy scares me. I don't need her crazy Mexican side to come out on attack mode! Lol she may be small but she can hurt me!

We both laugh as she walks ahead with Jace.





Y/n: HEY!

I smack his shoulder & laugh. He sets me down & everyone is served. As we begin to eat theres a knock on the door. We all look around & Duchy stands up.

D: Who the fuck is at my door right now?

TeeTee rushes to answer it before Duchy gets all the way to the door.

TT: Aaah! Glad you could make it Bunny!

D: Jungkook what are you doing here?

Jk: Well practice is over and TeeTee and Y/n said I could come over after we finished up. So here I am.

J: Mommy fwend Kookie?!

I nod and Jace goes running to the door.

J: Kookie! Kookie!

I get up walking over seeing Jungkook kneel down and Jace run into his arms. This moment. Right here. Is the moment I have been waiting for. For Jace to meet his dad. For him to run into his arms, a place he belongs. My hands come up and wipe the tears that are running down my face. I sniffle and Jungkook pucks up Jace, and begins walking towards me.

Jk: Why arent you sitting down? You can get hurt if you slip, or fall.

J: Why Mommy cwying?

Y/n: Mommy is crying because I'm happy.

Jk: I'm happy too.

D: Well I'm sorry to ruin the happy moment but this bitch is hungry and there is fried chicken on my kitchen table. I'm gonna go eat. Woo, carry her back in.

Jk: No, it's ok.

He sets Jace down.

Jk: I've got her.

Before I can protest I'm swept off my feet and into Jungkooks arms. My arms immediately going around his neck. Because of my wrist I hold my elbow bringing me close to his face. He smiles at me, making me blush.

Jk: Hi there.

Y/n: Hello.

Jk: How are you feeling?

Y/n: Better since I'm back with Jace.

Jk: That's good. Being at home usually makes people feel better.

He sets me down and sits next to me. I smile. Both my boys on each side of me. How I always envisioned it.

J: Mommy can Kookie help feed me my veggies?

Y/n: Jace, you know how to feed yourself.

J: Pwease?!

Jk: If you dont mind, it really isnt a problem for me.

Y/n: I guess not. Lol but, dont make a habit out of it Jace.

J: YAAAAAY! Bing my plate to Kookie. Bing my plate to Kookie.

He slides off his chair grabbing his plate bringing it over, he hands it to Jungkook.

J: He go.

Jungkook smiles taking the plate, setting it down on the kitchen table. He turns his attention back to Jace then picks him up putting him on his lap. Jace claps happily and Jungkook has a big huge smile too. This moment is all I've dreamt about. All I've ever wanted and so more.

Jace is happy. Jungkook is glowing. I, I'm in Euphoria. This moment is perfect, and shared with everyone that's been in my life as well as Jaces since he was born. And now, its being completed by his father finally meeting him. I look at Jungkook and see hes tearing up.

Y/n: Jace, baby, why dont you go help Aunie Duchy with the dishes?


He hops of Jungkooks lap and runs to the kitchen.

Y/n: Jungkook are you alright?

Jk: Hes so much more beautiful in person. Hes just like you. But looks just like me. Its- its- I smile and finish his sentence for him.

Y/n: Its crazy.

Jk: Yes! But a good kind of crazy. Thank you for coming back and bringing him into my life Y/n.

Y/n: Its no problem. Ssss. Mmmm.

Jk: Are you ok?!

Y/n: I'm hurting a bit. I think I'm ready to go home.

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