Chapter 12: The Hospital pt 1

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Hearing Namjoon on the phone mentioning Jace coming made my heart race. I'm so excited to meet him but, hes right I dont think now is the right time or place. As we pulled up into the drop off section of the hospital I practically jumped out of the car before it stopped moving. I couldn't wait. I needed to get to Y/n, and eventhough things have happened between us, I'm almost positive shes still the love of my life. I slide into the hospital sliding to a stop when I reach the desk.

N: Sir please slow down you're in a hospital.

Jk: I'm sorry. I'm searching for someone. She came in from a car accident today.

N: Name of the patient and relation?

Shit. Will they give me information if I say I'm the father of our child? I didnt think about this.

Jk: Y/F/N and shes the mother of our child.

The nurse looks at me skeptically. Debating on if she should tell me anything. Then pages a nurse from a different floor of the hospital. They talk quietly as the guys finally make their way inside, surrounding me at the desk.

N: Got up the elevator to the nurses station. There will be a nurse waiting for you.

I rush through my hyungs and make my way to the elevator.

N: Walk Young Man!!

Jk: Sorry again!!

I hit the button and it dings. We all get in and the elevator seems to take forever to get to the 3rd floor.

H: You need to slow down Kook.

Nj: Yeah, if you run into someone they can get hurt.

Jk: Ok. I'm sorry. I'm anxious!

Y: We know. But the situation, is what it is. She is in the operating room you cant get to her any faster. So, before someone gets hurt, slow down please.

I nod understanding where they are all coming from & feel Hoseoks arm come around my shoulders pulling me for a hug.

Jm: We're here for you. Always.

Jk: What if its serious though? What if she doesnt make it?

Nj: Let's handle and cross that bridge if we get to it.

H: Dont worry about "what if". Let's wait and find out the "what is" of the situation.

Again I nod. What would I do without them? The elevator chimes as the doors open showing us the 3rd floor nurses station. Together we walk up to it.

N: You must be Jungkook and his friends?

We all nod, as she pulls us into a private room to talk. This doesnt help my anxiety any though. My mind jumping to conclusions. The nurse gestures for us to sit. I cant help it and the words run out of my mouth before I can stop them.

Jk: Is she ok? Is she alive?! Please tell me shes alive!

N: She is for now. Her cuts arent bad from the glass the worse one on her head. She has broken ribs, N: Also a shattered wrist, she isnt going to be able to lift anything over 5, maybe 10lbs in at least 8 weeks. With the broken ribs she is going to have "trouble" breathing. But other than that, so far, she will be fine.

Nj: So shes healthy aside from broken ribs, and wrist?

N: Yes.

Namjoon pats me on the shoulder.

Nj: See Jungkookie! I told you!

Jk: I have to be around to help her. Shes isnt going to be able to carry or help Jace.

Jm: Slow down, Jungkook.

H: We dont even know who she has to help her at home. Or about family.

Jk: She doesnt have family. Shes an orphan.

Y: Wow. I didnt know that.

Jk: She didnt want anyone to know. Shes only ever told me.

??: Of course her best friends knew this too.

Our heads snap in the direction of the womans voice.

??: I'm TeeTee. This is my best friend ok?

The nurse fills her in and she let's out a deep sigh.

TT: Thank God that's all! How long until I can take her home?

N: We have to see how her body handles the surgery. No work for 2 months for her. Or heavy lifting. Like I told them nothing more than 10 lbs.

TeeTee nods and we all sit in silence for a few minutes.

N: Her surgery takes 2 hours. She has been in the operating room for almost an hour and a half. I will let you know what's going on every 15 minutes. And I'll let you know when she goes into recovery. After she gets into recovery, one at a time you can go back and see her.

We all nod. Say thank you, and wait for news as the nurse walks away to follow up on other patients. Like it was clockwork she came around 15 minutes later. I stand up pacing. Not able to keep still. The next 15 minutes went by so slowly. I swear it felt like a decade. Then she comes back.

N: Still no news.

Jk: What do you mean? You said she'd only be in for 30 more minutes!

N: Idk. Let me-

The phone at the nurses station rings.

N: I'm sorry I need to answer that.

She walks away answering the phone.

N: Nurses station level 3.

She looks back up at us her eyes wide. Again my heart stops & I feel myself begin to panic. I take deep breaths.

N: She-She what?! When? How many times? How long? Her family is waiting right here. I'll tell them.

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