Chapter 1: The Run In

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It's funny behind his smile you can sometimes catch a glimpse of the sadness.. Jungkook told his hyungs how things between the 2 of you went that crazy, steamy night back in New York. Something was given away in him that night with the things you said. He told you everything.

How he felt about you, while you had talked allot from the moment you met until that night. How he wanted to give you the world. Then he made love to you. In a way that made you feel like he deserved more. He should have more. So you lied. As you both came.

Tears welled your eyes as you knew you had to leave him. Worst of all you didnt want to leave him. Through the time of you 2 talking you fell in love with him. But his manager is the one who told you to break whatever you had off. Jungkooks heart wrenched and broke when he woke up the next day to find you gone. No note, nothing.

His hyungs all patted his back and now you walk down the street holding hands with his little boy. The soul that makes you happy. Suddenly, your son screams, "Hyung! Hyung!" You try shushing the cute little man with a smile just like Jungkooks. But nothing stops until you hear a voice that made your heart race.

"Hey y/n long time no see. He is so cute!!"

You look up at the voice and see Jungkooks hyung. The tall boy stood staring at you. Hurt and anger present in his eyes.

U: He-hello Yoongi.

Y: Why do you stutter when talking to me? Can we go to a park. We need to talk.

U: I.... I cant.... I dont have time. Were busy.

Y: Make time. Its urgent. It's about the boys fa-

U: Ok come one baby. Let's go to the park so you can play and mommy and Hyung can talk.

You all walk towards the park with your precious baby just a few steps ahead of you. Yoongi starts, talking low.

Y: Kook is his dad right?

You gasp looking at the wiser elder. But you nod.

U: He is.

Y: He doesnt know does he?

You shake your head no.

U: No

Y: You need to tell him y/n. If you dont I will. Hes gonna hate you for making him miss 3 years of his son's life.

U: Its..... I just.....

With concern raising you thought about it. Maybe this will be your only chance to let Jungkook know about his son. You look back at Yoongi crossing your arms.

U: Fine but I want to drop Jace off at his sitters before we go. I dont want him around when Jungkook freaks out.

Yoongi nods.

Y: Good because I dont want that bunny to kick MY ass for this entire scenario. After you left, he changed.

You look at Yoongi. Hes not how he used to be. Hes taller, more handsome, and yet so much more open than what you remember.

U: Yoongi, let's go.

U: I want to get this over with.

You look over at the playground smiling as your son climbs up the stairs and run towards him as he comes down the slide. You pick him up and kiss his cheeks.

U: Jace baby, mommy has to go with her friend Yoongi for a bit ok?

Jace: Ok mommy, but where I go?

U: Do you wanna go to TeeTee and Duchys house?

You see his eyes sparkle as he hears their names leave your lips. He starts clapping and screaming "Yay!" You cant help but smile, he literally your world.


She seems sad when it comes to talking about Jungkook. Although with this little man, she screams happiness. There has to be more than meets the eye to this story. And bet your ass I'm gonna be the first to hear her side once we drop off Jace. Hes so cute he literally in a 3 ft tall Jungkook, except he has Y/ns eyes and face shape.

But, there is no way anyone could deny that this boy is Jungkooks son. WHICH MAKES ME AN UNCLE! YES! I was watching Y/n take Jace from the slide and I cant help the smile that forms. They look so happy and peaceful. She walks back over to me.

Y/n: Let's get him to his favorite aunties house.

I nod and she leads the way. Our walk quiet aside from Jaces questions. "Why do trees have so many colors?" " Why is the sky sad?" "What do the lights mean?"
I chuckled hearing all his questions. The kid is literally Jk. He is always asking questions.

We arrive at a house and theres 2 ladies outside in the gated front yard. One holding a cigarette and the other spinning a child by their.... ankles? Y/n and Jace run over to them. I stand at the entrance waiting for Y/n.

She waves at the ladies and gives Jace another hug and kiss, then makes her way back towards me. I wave goodbye and we start heading to see Jungkook. This walk will take a while so now is the time to find out exactly what happened and what shes been up to the last 3 years. Right?

Y: Y/n can I ask you a few questions please? I just want to know what happened.

She hesitates, but then nods.

Y: Ok, the night you and Kook, ya know, uhm, did you enjoy it?

Y/n: I know he probably likes I used him but, I loved him Yoongi.

Y: Then why didnt you say bye?

You looked up at him. A sigh escaping your lips.

Y/n: I wanted to, I just couldnt. I didnt want to destroy him.

Y: So you think leaving while he was asleep, after just making love to the love of his life wouldnt destroy him?

Y/n: No, I didnt see it like right away. But i did eventually. I never meant to hurt him. I knew he wanted this career. I just wanted to give him the chance to be what he wanted. Didnt want to drag him down.

I nod understanding where she was coming from. Then she continued.

Y/n: Yoongi I'm sorry for making him change. I didnt mean to hide Jace from him.

Y: Ok so, Jace has a cute name for starters. But, why didnt you tell him when you found out you were pregnant? Or go to the company? Something, not just keep quiet.

Y/n: I went to BigHit after I found out that I was pregnant.

Y: You did?! I never seen you.

Y/n: That's because staff didnt want you guys to see me. I tried every month until after my delivery to tell him, shit to tell any of you.

I furrowed my brows. Why would staff knowingly keep you hidden. I need to talk to Pd-Nim. Theres no way he could be involved with keeping her away. He knew, we all knew how much Y/n meant to Jungkook. It was obvious by how they stared at each other that they were in love. I think they need this. I just hope Jungkook understands her.

Y: Well, here we go.

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