Chapter 17: Discharged

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*TeeTees POV*

I walk back in after giving them their moment and see Y/n passed out on Jungkooks chest. Awwww. His arm placed around her shoulder and the other one around the front of her lap holding onto her hand. Y/ns eyes open as I close the door. She whispers to me.

Y/n: How long has he been here?

TT: *whisper* The entire time you've been here. He cried earlier. He thought you died.

She looks shocked. Then looks up at him and I see a smile grow on her face. We continue whispering to not wake him.

Y/n: He looks so beautiful. It's like he hasnt changed eventhough he clearly has.

TT: You still have feelings for him huh?!

Y/n: Its funny. I feel like I dreamt about you two talking. Your voices so clear.

I look at her completely shocked. There is no possible way she could have heard our conversation, right?!

TT: We were talking. But it was about what the two of you had already talked about with Jace and Jungkook. Everything at the diner.

She nods then looks over at me.

Y/n: TeeTee, who was the first one here?

TT: That would be the man you are currently holding onto for dear life.

Y/n: *smiling* He was? I swear I dreamt he kissed me. Lol.

TT: He better not have! I will kick his ass!

Y/n: Shhh. You'll wake him up. Lol. Anyways, I said it was a dream. So, it's not a big deal.

TT: I'm gonna go. Hes here and obviously not leaving. I've gotta go check on Jace and see how Duchy and Woo have corrupted him.

We laugh.

Y/n: Sounds good! Tell him I said I love hims & will see him soon!

I nod.

TT: I will!

I wave & head to the door I turn back watching her snuggle back up to Jungkook and fall back to sleep. I open the door, take a picture, & leave.  They'll thank me later.

*Jungkooks POV*

I wake up feeling something heavy on my chest. I move my arm & hear a groan. My eyes open & I look down seeing Y/n frowning in her sleep. My heart races. For a moment I feel like I'm still dreaming. But then she moves shifting her head to get comfortable & her face is up towards mine. My mouth goes dry at how beautiful she looks. At how her lips look so soft again. I need to control myself. Dont do it Jungkook dont! What are you doing?!

Why am I moving closer to her?! Not now! MAYDAY! STOP YOURSELF JEON! My hand comes up, cupping her face. My eyes shift from her eyes to her lips. I pick my hand back up brushing over her jawline. Then her cheek. I smile picking my head up and trying to not to kiss her. The temptation being strong, idk if I can resist her. I close my eyes trying to fight it more. I I jump feeling a hand on my cheek. I look down seeing her looking up at me with a smile. I smile back, my hand still resting on her cheek.

Y/n: Thank you.

Jk: For what?

Y/n: For being here. Calming me down.

Jk: I dont mind at all. You needed the help. I told you. I'm here.

She smiles at me again. Her eyes staring into mine. The butterflies in my belly going crazy. My heart beating fast. What does she want? Is she gonna make a move? Does she want me to? I move my thumb brushing her cheek.

Y/n: I missed this.

Jk: What?

Y/n: Being held.

Jk: I will be happy to hold you whenever youd like. I mean if you want me to.

She stares up at me. Doe eyed. Fuck. I cant. Shes drawing me in. Pull away Jungkook. Get up something. I move my arm from around her and start to get up. To my surprise her grip tightens. Her tiny voice fills the room.

Y/n: Please, dont leave. I'm scared and feel safe when you're here.

I wrap myself back around her.

Jk: I wont leave if you dont want me to.

Y/n: I dont want you to. I mean at some point you're gonna need a shower. Lol but, dont leave now.

I lean down kissing the top of her head.

Jk: I promise I wont leave. Unless I have to pee. Lol

Y/n: Lol. Perfect.

We sit there talking. Having moments here and there, where we stare at each other smiling. My finger brushing her cheek. The doctor said she can go home tomorrow. I cant wait to help and be around Jace.

*Y/Ns POV*

Jungkook has been so nice. Hes been helping me get to the bathroom, getting me things I need, walking me around the  hospital, he even brought me flowers for my discharge today. The guys have all come to stay with me while hes gone home to shower and come right back with food for me. It's nice. I've never actually needed to depend on someone the way I need to with Jungkook right now.

TeeTee and Duchy have been there to help me but it feels different with Jungkook. I'm happy hes around. I get changed and the doctor comes in with my papers ready to discharge me. Finally I get to go home and see my son! I miss Jace! I sign the papers and we leave. I get in the car with TeeTee and Jungkook had to leave to go practice but insisted on stopping by after.

I couldn't argue with him.  His bunny pout was too cute. So I smiled and told him I'd like it if he stopped by.  He hugged me, kissed my forehead, and said goodbye.  I am now in the car getting yelled at by TeeTee.

TT: Why did he kiss you? Why did you let him kiss you? Is the something going on between you two already? I literally left you alone for a few hours a day.

Y/n: He makes me feel safe and happy all over. I get butterflies when hes around. But, I need to stop that. I need to focus on him building his relationship with Jace. Not with me. I'm not important right now. It should be about Jace.

TT: What makes you think you arent just as important to Jungkook as Jace is? Who said he can't build a relationship with both of you?

Y/n: It just isn't the right time. Hes barely gonna meet Jace. We all know how Jace easily attaches to people. But it scares me that he'll choose Jungkook over me when he finds out Jungkook is his dad. I'm not jealous and I'm beyond ready to share him with Jungkook, but what if he leaves me behind to be around Jungkook alot?

TeeTee laughs at me.

TT: Y/n, Jace could never forget you. Hes was asking for you while you were in the hospital. However, Jungkook is going to be like a shiny new toy to him. Someone knew & someone for him to play with & get close to him. But, he loves you he wont forget you.

Y/n: I guess you're right. I'm just nervous for them to meet, to have Jungkook over, and to see Jaces reaction when he finds out.

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