Chapter 15: Between Teetee & Jk

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*Time skip 4 hours*

Y/n is finally in a room and hasnt woken up yet but because she moved and hasnt had problems since the surgery they decided to go ahead and move her. We all were in here for the first hour or 2 and the rest of the guys decided to take off back to the dorms, leaving just TeeTee, me and Y/n in the room. TeeTee sighs looking at me.

Jk: Go ahead.

TT: What?

Jk: You have something on your mind. Say or ask it.

TT: Well, I'm honestly confused.

Jk: About what?

TT: What you have in your mind. What you want from my best friend.

I smile. TeeTee looks at me funny.

TT: What about this is funny?

Jk: You and your curiosity. Look, idk what is going to happen between the two of us. All I know is she has always been the love of my life. I have never looked at another woman the way I do at her. I've never touched another woman the same way I did with her. Both looking and touching with my whole heart. Because that is exactly what she is to me. My heart.

*TeeTee POV*

My heart is torn like I wanna smack him for being so dumb yet hug him for understanding everything. Hes totally sincere when he says things about her. As he tell me "that's exactly what she is to me, my heart." I want to melt. Their love for each other never died. Even after all this time they spent away from each other.

TT: Jungkook, did you ever sleep with anyone else after Y/n?

He blushes and shakes his head no.

Jk: You think someone in my position and occupation would right?! But, no. I had opportunities and offers.

TT: If you were mad & hurt by her why did you take them?

Jk: That's the thing. I was mad & hurt by her, but, I still loved her very much.

TT: You do love her even now, dont you?

Jk: I couldn't ever get over her. I tried to be with other women but it always felt like i-

TT: Like you?

Jk: Like I was cheating on her.

Dear God can this guy get any cuter?! Seriously, they werent even dating and he felt like it was cheating.

TT: How can it be cheating if you werent dating?

Jk: Because even though we didnt get to it I know we wanted it. We wanted to be together and I didnt get to ask her, but my heart was still 100% hers. I guess it always has been. I guess somewhere deep down, I knew she would be mine. I knew we were meant to be.

I swear I my teeth hurt right now hes being so sweet.

TT: So, what are you intentions exactly?

Jk: I want to work things out and build a relationship with both Jace and Y/n. I want them in my life. I dont want to be without them again.

TT: Do you still love Y/n now?

Jk: Mmm. To be honest, idk.

TT: Care to elaborate?

Jk: What I mean is, now that we have worked through a majority of our problems and I have been an asshole to her, and also apologized for it. My feelings I used to have for her are coming back. Before I make rash choices. I want to make sure they're real. Not just feelings from the past but feelings from then and feelings from now on. God I sound like an idiot.

TT: No, you sound like a man with a very impressive and smart plan. Tae your time with things between the 3 of Jungkook. If you hurt Y/n I'll hurt you. Hurt my Jace, and boy that's a death sentence for you.

Jk: I have no intention on hurting either of them.

TT: I hope you mean that.

Jk: Has there been anyone else for her since me?

TT: No, she tried to date but the guy was a creep. He also didnt like Jace, which I dont get how that's even possible when the kid is sweet beyond belief and is so loving. But, he gets attached easily.

Jk: Yeah, I dont get that either. He talked to me earlier today. It was so cute! I cant wait to meet him face to face. Neither can my hyungs. Lol

We hear rustling and both look over at Y/n. We see her eyes open and rush to her side. Shes blinking fast I'm assuming trying to get her vision cleared.

TT: Y/n? It's ok I'm here you're ok. Jungkook is here too. You're ok now!

Hers eyes go wide as I say Jungkooks name.

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