Thank You!

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Hello there!

Finally, we have reached the end of "I'm Here For You". This is my second completed reader-insert fanfiction and I can't believe I didn't drop this story halfway through like how I had done so with previous fics.

When I first started this story, I didn't expect to receive a lot of attention because I was kinda late into the fandom. However, I was surprised by how many people actually read and enjoyed this story. So, I'm very thankful to each and every one of you who had stuck by with me and this story all this time! You have no idea how much I loved reading each and every one of your comments because it gave me the motivation and push to keep writing as well as making me laugh till I looked like a madman.

On a serious note, there is no amount of gratitude and thanks I can express to show my appreciation to you, my dearest reader. Despite my slow updates due to my busy personal life, you were patient in waiting and even told me it's okay because school was much more important. It really made me happy to hear that.

Unfortunately, there wouldn't be any sequel to this story as I felt that this ending is the way to go. However, this isn't the end of my writing journey. In fact, it's just the beginning as I have great story ideas planned out for all of you. I am considering to give another go at a few more BNHA x reader fanfic despite discontinuing the Todoroki x Reader fic. So, keep an eye out for that!

All in all, thank you for your dedication and love towards "I'm Here For You" and supporting me through the end. Remember to always keep smiling and I'll see you in other stories.

Much love,


I'm Here For You (Bakugou x Villain!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now