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Chapter 5

Sunlight filtered through your open windows, the curtains flapping lazily in the morning breeze. You roused from your sleep, eyelids fluttering open, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

A yawn escaped as you stretched your arms behind your back and let out a satisfied sigh. You glanced at the clock that was hanging on the wall, the time read 7 o'clock in the morning.

Well, that gave you plenty enough time to get ready for class. Perks of living in the school.

You tried to sit up, only to realize that something was preventing you from doing so. Throwing the blanket aside, you saw an arm wrapped around you. Brows furrowed in confusion, wondering who it belonged to.

You didn't remember going to bed with another person besides yourself. Pulling the blanket further, a few tuffs of spiky blonde hair stuck out from beneath the fabric. You giggled when you heard soft snoring coming from your right side, the arm around your waist tightening its hold on you.

Bakugou's face was smothered into the pillow, his nose wiggling now and then. Other than that, he looked so peaceful, unlike his usual aggressive and violence self.

A hand reached out towards the blonde's face, tracing his jawline. Bakugou mumbled incoherently but otherwise continued sleeping through your ministrations. Soft eyes watched your childhood friend with fondness, your finger pads dancing lightly against his warm skin.

Last night, when watching the evening sun resting for the day, Bakugou had fallen asleep in your lap. By the time he woke up, it was already late at night and Bakugou's house was quite a distance from the school.

So, you offered him to spend a night in your room.

Bakugou called his mother to inform her that he would be staying over at a friend's place, not specifying who his friend was. After exchanging a few words of shouting and cursing, Bakugou ended the call and told you with a grumble that his mother allowed him to stay over a friend's place.

Neither of you cared if you would get caught by Aizawa – a boy and girl sharing a room for the night.

"Morning sleepy head." You crooned as half-lidded red eyes stared up at you, blinking blearily.

Bakugou let out a tired groan and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Pushing himself up into a seating position, his voice deeper than usual from just waking up. "What's the time now?"

"It's 7.30 in the morning." You replied as you got out of bed and headed towards your wardrobe to retrieve your school uniform. "So, you better get your ass out of bed and get ready or else you're gonna be late for school."

Instead of doing as you said, Bakugou did the opposite. He threw the blanket over himself and rolled around in it until he became a burrito. His face was mushed into your pillow, muffling his voice. "I don't even have a clean set of uniform to change into."

Hanging your uniform carefully behind a chair, you stormed towards your bed. Grabbing the edge of the blanket, you pulled with all your strength. The blanket unravelled as Bakugou landed on the wooden floor with a thud.

"F*ck!" Bakugou cursed and immediately jumped to his feet, his hands sparking. "I'm gonna kill you, dipshit!"

You rolled your eyes and threw the blanket over the blonde. Picking up your uniform again, you entered the bathroom. "Knowing you, I'm pretty sure you've an extra set of uniform in the boys' changing room back at the main building. You can come back here and use my bathroom to wash up once you get your uniform."

I'm Here For You (Bakugou x Villain!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now