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(f/f) = favourite food


Chapter 4

You let out a yawn as the bell rang, indicating it was lunch period. Stretching your arms above your head, a satisfied sigh left your lips when your spine cracked, releasing all the tension from sitting still the whole morning.

What should I have for lunch? You hummed, checking your wallet to see what food you could buy with the money that you had.

Your stomach rumbled with hunger, reminding you it was time to eat. Glancing around the classroom, you tried to locate a student with spiky blonde hair and a mouth of a cursing sailor.

(E/C) hues brightened when they landed on the person that you were looking for. With a dazzling smile on your face, you got up from your chair and skipped towards Bakugou's desk.

"Katsuki-kun! Let's go and eat together!"

Bakugou, who was staring into blank space while Kirishima talked his ears off, perked up when he heard your voice. His head turned towards you at the sight of you skipping towards him, waving cheerfully at him.

His eyes softened when you reached his desk. "Hey, dipshit."

Your grin grew at the pet name that he called you back in your younger days. Playfully slapping his arms, you whinnied. "How many times do I have to tell you that I've a name Katsuki-kun?"

Light chuckles escaped Bakugou's lips as he stood up and ruffled your hair lovingly. "I'll call you whatever the hell I want, dipshit."

You pushed his hand away and fixed your hair, pouting. "Stop that, you're gonna ruin my hair."

Before the blonde could reply, your stomach rumbled once more. Red eyes blinked at you as your cheeks heated up. You quickly turned away with your back facing him and fiddled with your fingers. "A-Ano, where's the lunch cafeteria?"

Bakugou burst into obnoxious laughter at your bashful act, thumping you lightly on your head. "If you're hungry, you should've told me from the start, you idiot. Come on, I'll show you the way there."

As Bakugou led you to the cafeteria, you were shouting at him for hitting you while he laughed at your misery. A certain red-haired was left standing at his friend's desk, eyes blinking with confusion.

"What just happened?"

Todoroki who walked past Kirishima replied to him. "I think Bakugou must've forgotten about you."

Poor Kirishima.

Time skipped

(E/C) orbs widened at the vastness of the lunch cafeteria, trying to take in as much as you could. There were so many things happening at the same time. Students from all three levels were bustling about – some buying their meals, while others laughing over meals.

Your body turned around quickly to face Bakugou, nearly losing your balance. You gestured your hands wildly, exclaiming "What the hell is this place?! Are you sure we're at a school and not at some fancy hotel?! What kinda of school has such an extravagant lunch cafeteria?!"

Bakugou's hands were stuffed into his pants' pockets, a bored look on his face. "Eh, it seems like a f*cking normal cafeteria to me."

Your jaw dropped open in shock and stared incredulously at Bakugou as though he had grown a second head. His eyes twitched with irritation as you stood there looking like a fool, attracting attention to the both of you.

I'm Here For You (Bakugou x Villain!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz