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Third POV

"The police have investigated the group calling themselves 'The League of Villains', and there does not appear to be anyone registered with the name Shigaraki in his 20s or 30s with a quirk that lets him disintegrate whatever he touches. It's the same with the villain called Kurogiri with the Warp Gate. They are probably not citizens and are using false names." Tsukauchi, a police detective in the Police Force briefed the group of pro heroes seated in front of him.

"In other words, they are people with unregistered quirks who are part of society's underbelly." The black-haired detective finished his report.

It was the aftermath of the USJ attacks and all the pro heroes who were teaching at UA was having a meeting with the police detective to discuss the recent villain attack.

"You mean, we don't know anything." Sekijiro Kan, otherwise known as Vlad King, spoke up with a serious tone.

Frustration was written on all the heroes' faces at the fact that there wasn't much that they could do, especially when they had so little information to work with. The only lead that they had so far was from All Might who was the only one encountered the mastermind behind the attack - Tomura Shigaraki.

Even then, it was still futile since this man was a mystery to all of them.

"There were 72 villains arrested the other day at USJ. They were all small-timers that lurked in back alleys." All heads turned towards Tsukauchi who continued with the report of the attack. "But the problem is how they all agreed with that that man-child and followed him."

Silence filled the room as everyone dwelled on what the detective said, thinking of various of reasons why would such people choose to follow someone like Tomura Shigaraki who has a mind of a child.

Nezu, the principal of UA, turned his attention to Tsukauchi. "Did none of the villains that the police force arrested mention anything that may be useful?"

Tsukauchi looked through the papers that were in his hands until he found the right one. "Many of them refuse to share the reason why they joined the league. However, when we asked who recruited them, they gave us two names - Kurogiri and (Full Name)."

"(Full Name) ..." All Might trailed off thoughtfully, as though he heard that name from somewhere before. A light bulb went off in his head when he remembered something. "Isn't that the name of the young girl who went missing ten years ago and till today, she's not found yet?"

The detective nodded his head to affirm the no. 1 hero's words. The heroes glanced at one another with confusion as Midnight raised an arm. "But isn't she pronounced dead?"

Tsukauchi turned towards the female hero, replying. "The police force declared her dead because she couldn't be found, but it turns out, she has been well and alive all this time."

"Have you spoken to her yet?" Nezu asked, a smile forever on his face.

"We did." Tsukauchi answered. "But she refuses to say anything to us, remaining silent the entire time when being interrogated."

The small animal rubbed his chin thoughtfully, asking. "Where is she currently being held at?"

"We're detaining her at the police headquarters for further interrogation."

"Is it possible that you can arrange for to be brought to the school? I'll like to have a talk with her." Nezu asked.

Everyone else in the room eyes widened at the principal's words, wondering what he was thinking. The last thing that they needed was a villain in a school for heroes-in-training.

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