"You know, I'm only one goal away from sweet redemption." He grinned.

"And I'm two away from making you cry." I smirked.

"That's a lot of talk from a girl with no points this game. Trevor's back must be hurting." He teased.

"I'd imagine your mouth is from all the flapping it's been doing." I snipped.

Three stick taps and I came out the victor of this face-off . Jack looked at me with a sarcastic smile before following Quinn down the ice in attempts to knock the puck loose. Quinn passed to Luke who passed to Trevor who took a shot that Cam deflected right in front of me. I flicked the puck up over his pads and hit the back of the net with a satisfying swish.

"Atta girl!" Case yelled as he attacked me.

"All tied up now Hughesy," I grinned. "Getting nervous?"

"Not even a little." Jack said.

"Lies. Again." Cam said, making us all laugh.

"Change it up." I said to Trevor and Case as we swapped lines again.

Marley was doing really well defensively for a girl that's never played real hockey, and offensively. Vlasic and Owen were speeding down the ice trying to catch up to Brady.

"Vlasic doesn't have the speed to be going head to head with the twins. We gotta get em out of there or we're gonna lose this game." Trevor said.

"I believe in him." I said.

"Peyton, it's a risky move." Luke said. "Your brothers have speed like I've never seen."

"I know, but they don't have the breaks that match." I said.

Brady passed off to Liam before he collided with the boards.

"See, no breaks." I said.

Liam attempted to take a shot that Spencer deflected to Ryder who passed back into the neutral zone to John.

"Lines!" I yelled as most of my guys were passing the bench and as my feet hit the ice the puck hit my stick.

I skated up the left side with Jack attempting to defend me.

"That's cute." I grinned before I passed on his right side to Luke.

"Fuck." He muttered, breaking off to try and get the puck.

Luke passed to Quinn who took a shot that Cam passed off to Alex. Alex was trying to break out of the zone when Case poked the puck away from him to me. I passed up to Trevor who took it bar down, clinching the win.

"Yes!" I shouted, jumping on Trevor.

"MVP! MVP! MVP!" Case chanted as he hugged him.

"A light hat trick." I laughed.

"Bet you're regretting choosing Rowdy now." Trevor joked winking at me.

I smacked him playfully to which he responded by sticking his tongue out at me and skating off. Jack soon skated up to me.

"Well, well, well Rowdy. That's a 3-0 record for me." I grinned.

"Yeah yeah." He smiled.

"You know what I just realized?" Marley said as we skated up to the bench. "I scored my first goal on an NTDP goalie."

"Hell yeah you did." I grinned, fist bumping her.

"And essentially, you all lost to a washed up college hockey player, two girls, and a sixteen year old." Quinn teased Jack.

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