Chapter 7

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Today is day number five of Legacy avoiding me, and I can't wait until Friday afternoon to arrive, so I can have two whole days away from the one place that I am forced to see him. I tried calling and texting him on Sunday, and then I tried talking to him on Monday. He ignored me both days, so I have given up, and yesterday and today I have ignored him like he wants.

My siblings and my parents had questioned how our date went, and why Legacy and I are not talking or hanging out. I hate admitting to them that he took me to a carnival, and that he offered to take me somewhere else, but I had refused. I explained to them that I didn't want to be a bother, and that he has been avoiding me ever since he dropped me off Friday night.

I don't know exactly why he is avoiding me, but I have my thoughts on the topic. Reason one is that I pissed him off on our date. Reason two is that he finally realized I wasn't worth the hassle. I am thinking that it might be both reasons combined into one, and as much as him ignoring me hurts my feelings, I ease my pain by cutting. One cut for everything that is wrong with me. 

Physical therapy and school are going great. I have thrown myself fully into both, more than normal since I need both to get the hell out of this town when I am able, too.

"Mylo, I am glad you are doing well, and you are progressing beautifully, but I am worried that you are pushing yourself too hard," Gabe comments at the end of the physical therapy session.

"I am pushing myself at the right speed. I need to walk again before I leave for college," I argue, carefully sitting down in the wheelchair.

"If I think you are going to cause damage to yourself, I will contact your parents," he threatens, crossing his arms over his chest in defiance.

"Then I will stop coming, and work on this alone, so I don't really care what you do," I sass, moving myself away from him before he can respond.

Frustrated with myself, Gabe and Legacy. Me for allowing Gabe and Legacy to get under my skin, and at them for irritating me. I hate that I am allowing myself to be affected by them. Pulling on my best smile that I can, I climb into the van, and surprised papa is on the phone.

Settling myself into the passenger seat after placing the chair in the back, I hear papa say; "Yeah, we'll discuss it tonight. Thanks, Gabe."

Well fuck. Gabe actually called like he threatened.

Welp, I wonder how long I will be yelled at and grounded for. Not like I go anywhere other than school and physical therapy. I guess they could ban Molly and Axel from coming around which is actually the plan for Friday night, for them to stay over at mine.

"So, Gabe feels you are pushing yourself too hard, and he is worried you are going to cause further damage. Is this true?" papa quietly demands.

"That's his opinion which he is entitled too. I guess I am not going back tomorrow," I mutter the last part, hoping he doesn't hear me.

"You are going back tomorrow, and you are going to stop pushing yourself beyond what Gabe deems necessary. We'll discuss your punishment when daddy is home from work," papa firmly replies, leaving no room for argument.

"Sure," I murmur knowing they will not go easy on me later.

The ride home is silent, both of us lost in our own thoughts. Upon arriving home I don't even bother grabbing my chair before heading inside, and up to my room before papa is even out of the van.

"Mylo, we're not done!" he calls out from behind me as he enters the house.

"You said we're discussing this when daddy is home, so I might as well hangout in my room until then!" I holler back knowing full well this will probably piss him off more.

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