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By the time lunch arrives, I have decided to meet Legacy, but only to hear what he has to say. Then I will decide what to do. I am meeting him with an open mind, but a guarded heart. Grabbing my lunch from my locker, then make my way to the big tree in the courtyard. I might as well eat while he talks. Squinting at the sunlight while carefully making my way to the tree, and I am surprised when I don't find Legacy there already.

Sitting down on my ass, lean back against the tree trunk, and unwrap my lunch. If he is not here by the time I have finished eating then fuck him. Finishing half of my footlong meatball sub from Subway, Legacy is finally walking toward me with a small happy smile. He sits down across from me with a school lunch, huh, that must be why he is late.

"Hey, thanks for meeting me here," he greets, looking me directly in the eyes. "I am hoping this means you've forgiven me?"

Raising an eyebrow at his last comment; "I am here to listen with an open mind to what you have to say, Nothing more and nothing less, and no I haven't forgiven you yet."

Legacy's shoulders slouch at my response; "I can accept that since it is reasonable."

He is quiet for a few seconds before he inhales deeply, and starts word vomiting; "Look, I have no viable excuse to give you for my actions. The reason that I have been ignoring you is because I feel guilty, That I didn't take into consideration your physical limitations on our date, and the location of the date. I am positive you pushed aside how you felt to make me happy, and honestly that pissed me off. I was partially pissed at you for pushing yourself more than you should have been, but mainly I was angry at myself for being insensitive to you."

Biting my lower lip, thinking over his words for a moment before speaking; "Look, I get how you feel. I understand that you are angry with me for how I didn't tell you my feelings on the location of our date. Honestly, I didn't want to ruin that night, and that's why I didn't say anything to you about the location."

Legacy sighs softly, his eyes drifting around us, and his gaze snaps back to mine; "Where is your wheelchair?"

"In the office," I shrug as I continue to eat. "I am only using it now when my legs are really bothering me."

"Are you doing this because of me?" he softly asks as if he is trying to hold in his anger, and that if he spoke any louder, the anger would leak through in his tone.

"No, I am not," I honestly answer with a frown. "I am doing this for me."

"Okay. So, um, I am wondering if we can have a do-over date on Friday night?" he hopefully asks with sparkling eyes.

"Sorry, I can't since I am grounded for another month and a half despite living with my older brother," I admit, my cheeks tinting a light pink color.

"What did you do, and why are you living with your brother?" he asks, and it seems like he is genuinely curious.

"Gabe, my physical therapist tattled on me about pushing myself to my parents," I answer with tinted pink cheeks. "As for a reason I'd rather not share at the moment."

"Pushing yourself too hard?" he questions while we finish our lunches.

"Yeah," I admit with a shoulder shrug, and staring at the grass.

"So, do you think your brother would allow me to come to his Friday night so we can hang out?" Legacy asks, and I am glad he is not pushing both topics.

"I will have to ask Ryan tonight when we are home, and let you know?" I suggest in hopes that he will be fine with this.

He nods with a small smile before his eyes land on my bruised cheek; "What happened to your cheek?"

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