Chapter 6

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"He shouldn't have spoken to you the way he did though," daddy insists with a furrowed brow.

"He was right, too," I argue, really hoping that they don't punish him.

I don't want my twin hating me because of this.

Daddy sighs softly at me, probably frustrated with me. "We'll see. I will talk this over with papa again."

"Thanks," I mumble with a small smile. "Can I go to sleep now, I am really tired?" I ask even though I just slept for an hour.

"Sure, goodnight son," he says, standing to leave the room.

"Night, daddy," I reply as I begin to get ready for bed.

Settling into my bed after turning the light off, I relish in the pain my chest explodes into as I lie on my stomach with my face toward the wall. Falling into a deep sleep, I am plagued by constant nightmares of the car crash, and I am exhausted by the next morning, and Myles doesn't look much better considering both of us have had a couple of cups of coffee before leaving for school.

"Rough night, boys?" Tammy teases us as we each grab our second cup of coffee.

Myles, who is not a morning person to begin with, but he is worse when he had a rough night because of me, growls; "Sleep in a room with someone who has nightmares."

"I am sorry I kept you up last night," I apologize; feeling even worse than I did before.

"I know you can't help it, but it makes mornings harder for both of us," he replies only slightly grumpy now.

The school day goes as normal as it ever does, so I won't bore you with this. Now when the final bell dings, Legacy is waiting for me at my locker.

So, it begins.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way to him and my locker, Legacy smiles brightly at me when he notices me approaching. Turning the dial on the locker door, opening the door to swap the books I don't need with the ones I do need.

"Hey, be ready by 5 p.m. as I am picking you up from home then," he informs me. "I need your address, too."

"Alright, yeah. I will text you my address," I say with a shaky voice.

"Thanks," he says just before his face is mere inches from mine as he intently studies my face; "What is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong," I respond, trying to avoid telling him how anxious I am about tonight.

He opens his mouth to argue when I remember I have physical therapy; "I won't be home until 5:30 tonight from an extra, short physical therapy session. I am sorry about that."

"That's fine. I can pick you up from there instead," he states, and I seriously take it as him not asking a question, but it almost sounds like an order.

Cocking an eyebrow at him asking; "Are you asking me or demanding?"

"I wouldn't demand," he answers instantly. "I just thought it would be easier for everyone."

"I will ask my parents, and text you their answer," I say while placing my bag on the back of my chair before telling him goodbye, and heading toward the entrance where papa should be waiting for us.

Stopping at the siding passenger door, I ask papa; "Is it alright for Legacy to pick me up from P.T. for our date?"

Papa's gaze moves from me to over my right shoulder where Legacy is standing right behind me, and papa answers with a smile; "Sure, curfew is midnight."

My jaw dropped at this since I was figuring, well hoping actually that my curfew would be like 10 p.m.; "O-okay."

Turning my upper body back toward Legacy who is brightly smiling at me as I tell him; "I will text you the address of the building."

"Great, see you later then," he smirks, patting my shoulder before walking away toward his vehical.

Climbing into the van as papa places my chair in the back before climbing in the driver's seat again, and drives us to the physical therapy building, he asks; "Excited for your date tonight?"

"Yeah,"I say trying to psych myself up for this.

"You don't sound excited," Ryder snickers from the back seat next to Sonya.

"Hush you," I giggle from behind my hand with a mock glare at him.

Papa parks the van, climbs out to pull my chair from the back, unfolding it for me with a small smile. He holds it steady for me as I settle myself into the seat before making my way inside the building. Greeting the receptionist who tells me Gabriel is ready for me. The next two hours are hell on my body and mind. By the time we're done, my whole body is like jello.

Glaring playfully at Gabe, as I slowly sit on the chair; "You are mean."

Gabe smirks at me as he places away the equipment we have used; "You are welcome."

Pouting at him now causing him to out right laugh at me; "You know this is for a good reason."

"Sure it is. It is for a good reason that my entire body feels like jiggly jello," I sass.

He just laughs even harder now; "See you Monday, Mylo."

We wave goodbye at eacho ther as I head toward the front wondering if Legacy has showed, or if he is decided that all of this, all of me is more than he wants to deal with. Exiting the building, I am surprised to find his truck in a parking spot, and that he is leaning against the hood with his arms crossed over his chest, and a smirk across his lips. He pushes himself off the truck, quickly approaching the passenger side to open the door for me with a tiny bow.

Giggling at him as I slowly stand, my body still shaky; "Thank you, Legacy."

"You are welcome, Mylo," he responds in a horrible posh Btitish accent.

"That's a horrible British accent," I giggle, buckling myself in while he winks at me.

After he has my chair in the back of the truck, he hops in the driver's seat, buckles himself, and then starts the truck. Unsure what to say, I stare out the window watching the scenery rush by us, and losing myself in my thoughts. Legacy brings me from my thoughts when he shuts the truck off.

"We're here," his gruff voice says, drawing my attention to what's in front of us.

"We're having our date at a carnival?" I ask; a lump forming in my throat and tears burning my eyes.

I guess I am walking since I don't want to navigate my chair through bumpy, sandy areas; let alone make sure nothing happens to my chair when we ride something. MY tired and sore body will be wrecked tonight. 

Carefully climbing out of the truck, Legacy climbs out with a strange look on his face. Once he is by my side, I start toward my nightmare without my wheelchair only to have Legacy stop me with his hands wrapped around my waist from behind.

"What about your chair?" he asks with his breath fanning over my right ear.

"I can't navigate it over the ground here. I also don't want to worry about it when we're on rides," I honestly answer, worry washing over my entire body.

"Let's go somewhere else. I am sorry for not thinking of making sure the location would be easy or not for you to navigate," he apologizes, guilt laced thickly in his voice.

"Don't worry about it, Legacy, this is fine, I promise," I lie, not wanting to ruin this night.

I knew my anxiety was high for a reason, and here it is. 

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