Chapter 11: Kublai The Dragon of Lightning

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Rayst and Gaelon had already left the mountain, not realizing what had happened to Hyperion. They descended down into an area where a well known dragon lived.

"I found it interesting that you're willing to try to befriend. Dragon as legendary as this one." , said Gaelon as they both descended down the steep mountainside slope.

Rayst nodded. "I need all the strength I can get if I am going to defeat Volgath."

"I see your determination and it makes me proud, hero. But I cannot assist you in befriending this dragon. It is the will of you and him." Responded Gaelon, polishing his sword with his golden cloak.

Rayst cracked a smile. "I'm willing to risk everything for my country and to not back down. Ever."

Gaelon stopped at the entrance. "This is as far as I can go. Do not try to slay the beast. Once the shard and the dragon have made their connection, you will have a new ally. I will meet you at the other side of the cave. Good luck hero." He jumped high into the sky and seemed to disappear with the crystalline snowflakes.

Rayst drew his sword and the draconic shard. " we go."

He stepped into the cave and traveled down each of the labyrinth hallways, brave and determined. The shard glowed a magnificent gold, giving light to each of the pathways, guiding him with the bright flame that burned within it. Eventually upon exiting a long strip of cave, he entered a ginormous room. The walls were lined with pure white clear crystal that illuminated the entire room. In the middle was a statue of the mighty one known as Kublai.

He stepped forward cautiously, but upon his third step, the entire room began to rumble and shake. The crystals hummed a somewhat harmonious whistle and the statue crumbled away its obsidian cover, revealing the dragon that slumbered beneath it.

Kublai's dragon scales glowed a luminous gold that could be seen miles away. Razor sharp black horns protruded from his massive head and his cerulean eyes glistened from the glow around him. Kublai let out a mighty roar and at once began cautiously creeping towards Rayst. The mighty warrior kept his ground and drew his sword slowly, ready for any swift movements from the dragon. The omnipotent beast snorted sparks of lightning energy from its snout and then at a sudden, lunged violently at Rayst. Rayst reacted quickly to the sudden move and rolled to the side, parrying the beast's charge, being cautious not to harm it. Kublai whipped its tail and struck Rayst into a wall as if he was a worn out rag tossed aside. Rayst flipped in mid air and used his legs to slow his collision with the stone . Him and the dragon both ran at each other, and the creature unleashed a mighty lightning bolt from its mouth. Rayst used his sword tip as a boost to jump over the bolt and land upon the dragons neck. Kublai bellowed and thrashed violently trying to shake Rayst from his neck, but the hero was extremely vigilant and held on, even as the dragon took flight. Rayst struggled and grunted holding the shard ready to strike it in the spot of the dragon's neck, for it had to be perfect.

Desperate to end the feud, Rayst shouted "For Draconia!!" And brought down the glowing instrument, falling off the dragon's neck right afterwards.

It dug into the dragon's flesh and glowed spreading across the dragons entire body. Kublai let out a violent bellow, then flew and landed on the ground. He was suddenly calm.

Rayst stood up from his fall and cautiously approached the dragon.

Suddenly, Kublai spoke. "Human, you are truly a mighty warrior to have bested me... At first I saw you as an enemy... But things have changed. I have seen that you meant me no harm, and only wished to befriend me and I understand that. You have proven yourself worthy and better than the other warrior scum who have tried to prove themselves to me. And for this, I am at your service."

Rayst smiled and resheathed his sword. "I am glad you understand and appreciate you following me. We have a difficult task ahead."

Kublai smiled as well "I know of your quest. Let us go."

The two traveled through the rest of the cave until they emerged from the other side where they were to meet Gaeon.... But Gaelon was nowhere to be seen...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2012 ⏰

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