Chapter 8: Gaelon The DragonTamer

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Rayst and Hyperion had finally made it to WhiteSpire Peak after a long treacherous journey. They observed the exquisite surroundings of the top of the magnificent mountain they stood upon. The wind blew calmly singing its gentle song through the trees that vibrated gently in unison. The snow was shallow and barely reached the ankles of the two heroes. The noise was broken by a sudden roar in the air. Over the side, the powerful flying lizard of the cold known as the ice dragon ascended past the startled heroes. It made many loops in the sky and roared breathing cold frost around it. After its short majestic display, it landed at a rest and a short figure jumped down from its neck.

The figure kindly and calmly greeted them both. "Salutations, my friends! I am the great DragonTamer Gaelon! What brings you here?"

"Have you heard of the troubles that have come upon Draconia?" Asked Rayst.

"Hmm..." Responded Gaelon, "indeed I have. Why do you ask of this?"

"I have been told..." Began Rayst, "that I am the chosen warrior to stop the evil that has come upon the great land."

"It takes another DragonLord to defeat a DragonLord my friend. No normal knight or fighter can do such a task." Responded Gaelon.

"That is why I am here, I need your guidance to become one." Said Rayst.

"And your friend?" Gaelon gestured to Hyperion.

"He guided me here. He is an expert DracoKnight." Answered Rayst.

"I am afraid that only those becoming DragonLords can witness the training." Said Gaelon.

"Then what must we do?" Questioned Rayst.

"I have a nice solution." Chuckled Gaelon.

The Dragontamer pointed his sword forward and the ice dragon breathed frost upon Hyperion freezing him in place. "Good enough!"

"What did you do!?" Shouted Rayst.

"Oh do not worry. He isn't dead. Just temporarily immobilized for the time being. So shall we begin with our lessons?" Laughed Gaelon.

Rayst looked over at Hyperion and sighed. "Okay..."

"Okay. In order to be a DragonLord, one must in a way...become one with the dragon. I'm not talking one kind. I'm talking every kind, fire, water, ice, shadow, light, wind, and earth."

"Are you kidding me?" Said Rayst, slightly stunned.

"You are lucky that I have all the shards of each element dragon except wind." Laughed Gaelon. "You'll have to find wind by yourself. At the other side of the mountain. While you do, I will prepare the shards for you."

"How can I acquire this shard?" Asked Rayst.

"Oh its easy. Have the wind dragon attack you and use the circle on the blunt side of your sword to absorb enough energy from it until it flashes once!" Said Gaelon. "In other words, you better know how to resist a windstorm!"

"Oh well...that will be a challenge I will accept." Said Rayst.

Gaelon started to combine the shards. "Good luck hero. I will be here."

And Rayst walked down another path to the other side of the mountain where a ferocious wind dragon slumbered...

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