Chapter 4: Payback

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The cold morning wind whistled deeply over the village and brushed trees back and forth. The blanket if snow had shrunk, since there was no current precipitation that had fallen, and all was calm. The village lay quiet...

Dracoknights slept at their crossbow and catapult posts, some were awake, silently watching. Knights woke up and stood at their positions again, and others from the barracks got dressed in their armor. A few DracoKnights who had befriended dragons fed and nourished their beasts back to their energy potential.

The silence was broken by a sudden battered man on horseback who arrived at the castle.

"Volgath is coming! Volgath is coming!" He cried loudly.

The knights suddenly jumped to their feet, crossbows and catapults were armed, footmen ran around like colony ants preparing for battle. Dracoknights with their dragons took flight to the sky.

Norsk and Rayst both stood ready. Norsk nodded at Rayst. "It is about time I summoned my dragon as well..."

Norsk raised his blade up high and it glowed luminously with a thousand sprite energies. A lightning bolt soared violently sparking into the sky and a huge roar was heard that practically shook the snow under their feet. Clouds swirled and began to sparkle ice and the wind blew colder and stronger.

The roar bellowed again as a flash of light flew from the clouds. A magnificent dragon of ice and wind crystals landed in front of Norsk and grunted.

"There...we have combat to do, Karth." Said Norsk, stroking its frozen head.

"This is...-" said Rayst

"My dragon?" Interrupted Norsk. "Yes it is. You will combat whatever other threat Volgath brings. I will fight Volgath personally."

"Are you sure?" Asked Rayst. "You know the power of Viegraff already, just imagine with his new abilities."

"I am willing to fight to the death, Rayst." Said Norsk. "It is for my land. So leave me to it."

Rayst nodded and they prepared the defense, everything was ready now. The knights were in formation, and dragons and their warriors flew high above as well as Norsk and his. All was silent once again.

Wind chimes blew carelessly dancing in the singing breeze. Trees rustled and whispered to eachother and the wind.


All hell broke loose.

An archer cried "on the western horizon!"

The knights turned towards it seeing many figures and one large one flying towards them. Archers and crossbowmen raised their bows. Catapults aimed ready. The footmen raised their sheilds. The dragons above flew in circles ready to attack. The figures got closer and closer. They got in range.

A commander shouted. "Ready!" Archers gripped their bows. "Aim!" Archers looked with focus. "Fire!" The archers and crossbowmen let loose and a flurry of long spikes flew at the figures. Some small ones. That looked as if they were in the hundreds were shot down, but there were many left and they kept coming. Archers reloaded and fired more. Catapults fired and fired again. The figures were now more visible. One huge dragon. The one known as Viegraff, controlled by Volgath, was accompanied by the search party sent after him. The party of dragoknights and dragons all seemed to be infected by the dark energy. The hundreds of dark figures were flying demonic imps who had the rage of a volcano in their eyes.

Eventually the archers had to duck down, for the demons had reached the castle walls. Some were unlucky and swooped off their posts to be devoured by crowds of hungry imps, only bone to remain. The dragons of Volgath clashed with the dragons of Norsk in the sky above. Beams of ice, fire, earth, and lightning from many dragons rained all around. Demons swooped down attacking the knights and archers. Taking a few at a time to be devoured. Rayst fought bravely with his spear, slaughtering each imp that attacked him. At one point an imp jumped on his back, but a fellow footman stabbed the creature quickly, letting his guard down only to be tackled by three imps and torn limb by limb.

Rayst stabbed all three, but the footman had lost his arms and a leg and died before him. The fighting raged more and more. Norsk and Karth struck back Volgath and Viegraff and seemed to be winning against the threat. The rest of the battlefield was too much of a quarrel to visualize a winning side.

Suddenly things changed. Dragons and dragoknights fighting for Draconia began falling out of the sky, dying all around. More footmen were shredded by the imp onslaughts, but Rayst fought bravely. Suddenly there was a huge boom in the sky. Norsk and Karth both fell from the sky and landed near Rayst.

Rayst ran through the fighting to Norsk. He had been brutally mained in the side and spoke with trouble.

"Rayst, he has released Viegraff's rage upon us now...I fear the worst...hurry and take the remains of the Draco orb and ask my soldier, Hyperion what to do..."

Rayst spoke "but-"


Rayst obeyed and ran through the crowd, dodging soldiers, imps, swords, arrows and corpses to get to the castle.

Rayst entered and it was much calmer, but fighting could still be heard. He traveled to the Heart of Fire and retrieved the orb. He traveled to the rear of the castle which emptied out into a mountain, staring down at the carnage. Norsk had flown back up to combat Volgath again...

A young but built, noble dracoknight stood there watching over the fighting. He turned to Rayst. "I am Hyperion. I was ordered to stay here in case you were called here."

"Indeed I was." Said Rayst.

"Well it seems there are great troubles now. I was told to guide you out to the mountain where Viegraff originally had his slumber. There, we could find the solution to defeat this threat." Said Hyperion.

"But what about the-"

"There is nothing we can do now my friend. We must go before we are spotted." Interrupted Hyperion.

Rayst sighed and looked back at the fighting. "I have no choice...let us go"

And so the two warriors began their journey to try to find a solution to Volgaths power...

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