7! Pleasing.

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"Can I take a nap? Sorry I know I'm a horrible guest, but I can barely manage to keep my eyes open" I chuckle at his statement and help him get up. "Sorry you're gonna have to sleep in my room Jimin doesn't like sharing," I say. "It's fine; I don't mind" once I set him down on the bed, he asks for a blanket, "I'm freezing," he claims. Once I throw both of my sheets on top of him, take my pillow and a spare blanket, and begin to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" He asks, "I'll take the couch," he groans at my response "no, I'm still cold, come cuddle with me, I promise I won't do anything to you."

What if I want him to? "Are you sure?" I ask, "yeah, get back here" I smile and place my pillow next to his. It is cold, so once my warm body pressed against him, he gets closer. "Are you  big spoon or little spoon?" Considering I sleep hugging a pillow, I'd say big spoon. "I think I'm big spoon, what about you?" I ask, "I don't care as long as it's cuddling; it's good on my part." I place my head on his chest as my arm stretched across his waist. He tangles his feet with mine; unlike mine, his legs are shorter and thicker. "I could get used to this," he mumbles underneath his breath, which causes me to fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Me being the light sleeper I am, I heard when Jimin Hyung got home; in fact, I know he didn't get home alone. I listened to the "shh be quiet Taehyung is going to hear," and the "Who cares if they hear?" Oh, and how can I forget the "yeah like that, oh my god, it feels so good." It was a long night. I clung to Hoseok Hyung. I pressed my head deeper into his body, and I even pulled the blankets over my head, but I still managed to hear EVERYTHING. I guess this is karma for trying to throw Jimin under the bus with Yoongi Hyung, who, by the way, seemed to be enjoying every second of him pounding into Jimin.

I woke up when Hoseok Hyung tried to get out of bed without waking me but failed. "Sorry I didn't want to wake you," he said, "but now that you're awake, do you have an extra toothbrush?" I nod "under the sink." I heart noises on the other side of my walls. Probably Jimin and Yoongi Hyung thankfully today's voices aren't anywhere as sexual as the one's last night. I get up and brush my teeth too. I follow Hoseok out of the room and into the kitchen when Yoongi is sitting on a stool, watching Jimin cook quietly. I want to scream at them both and tell them I heard everything, maybe even break one of Jimin's bones while I'm at it. "Good morning," Hoseok greets "good morning," Yoongi Hyung and Jimin say in unison. 

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