" before I tell you what happened lets start the car and get a move on" he says smirking at me as I begin to blush. I had for gotten all about driving. I was just so caught up in talking to calum. I havnt spoken to anyone properly since lily amm you know died.

So as we got out of the car park Callum began telling me what happened

"So I was walking to my car after school and I saw you walking across the road when Elise and her friends what you call them"

"Mean girls" I say to calum smiling

" yeah mean girls like that movie. Anyways theatipy called you and you turned to them. They were laughing and whispering. I didn't her what they said but Elise said she hopes you die. Which is really hurtful. Ughhh I hate her she's so mean but as she said that a car hit you and you fell to the ground. You were unconscious for about five minutes and Elise started crying saying it was a joke and she didn't mean it. I just wanted to punch her so bad and knock her out. I rushed over to you gave you mouth to mouth and boom now your here" he says blushing like made

"You saved me well ammm thanks I guess" I giggle

We had stoped for about five minutes until I relived we were out my house. In away I was dissonant tee we were here already because I really like him but I open the car door and as I bid my goodbyes and thank him again. I'm just about to unlock the front door of my house.(I'm usually home alone my parents are always at work but I don't really mind.) He calls me back


"Yeah" I say turning around

"Same time tomorrow" he says smiling

"What?" I ask cocking my he'd to the side to say explain.

"I'll bring you home tomorrow and we can talk again"

"You don't have to I mean I'd lov to but you don't have to try be friends with me out of pitty I'm ok on my own"

"Lola I'm not doing it out of pitty I want to your really nice and I like you now what time will I pick you up at in the morning"

"Amm. Maybe 8 I'll be up at 6 so what ever time suits you I suppose"

"Ok 7 it is and I'll bring you out for breakfast. See you in the morning Lola bye " he says as he winks at me with a cheeky smile

As I watched his car drive away I wipe a smile from my mouth while I unlock my house. I had relized I had an essay in history due tomorrow and it has to be five pages. I havnt even started so I take off my shoes boil the kettle make myself a sand which and start my homework. It took forever to finish my essay but I did it in the end. I was just about to go to bed even though it's only 7:00pm. When I got a text from someone it was calum

"Hey Lola are you on Instagram or anything so I can add you and stalk you haha joking but seriously what's your name on snapchat. I'll pick you up in the morning. Don't forget " from calum

I had a sheepish smile as I retread his text over and over again. I finally text back

" haha I hope you won't stalk me and my name on snapchat is lolarose but I don't have any friends on it"

He replied in a second "well I'll make sure that changes I'll be your best friend on snapchat and on earth"

I don't understand why his being so nice to me. His calum hood for fuck sake. The most popular guy in school and he wants me as a friend. I don't know anymore.

I woke up to a buzzing noise it was 6:00 n the morning time to get up. I got dressed and ready trying to look presentable for Calum. Which I never usually do anymore. Ate abit of toast and watched dance moms until calum rang.



"So are you ready or will I wait " I could see his grin even though his was on the phone to me.

"Cal....I mean am calum sorry calum it's only half six you said 7"

"Why did you correct yourself after you said cal"

"Because I ammm ....I... "I began trailing off

"I like it "

"Like what" I say

"I like that nickname...cal.you can call me that if you want"

"Am ok"

"But can I call you lol"

"Ok cal" I giggle

"So can I pick you up now lol"

"Sure see you soon"

I hear a knock at the door I check myself before I open it. It's calum

"Hey" he says awkwardly

'Hi let me just grab my bag and we can go ok"

I run to get my bag and dash out the door with Calum.

"Where are we going so early"

"It's a surprise" he says with a big smile plastered on his face

"But I'm not good with surprises" I say pretending to pout

"Well just wait and see ok

"Al are you serious McDonald's breakfast. Omfg I'm gonna cry. You don't know how much I love this place" I say almost in tears

Calm wasn't listing. I wonder what he was thinking about.

"Hey Lola "


"Amm after school you wanna come over and hangout"

I was kinda in shock. I just stare at calum.

"Only if you want to because I hav to mind my younger sisters and I get bored. So I was wondering would you like to you know hangout."

"Sure I'd love to " I say finishing my breakfast

"Ok cool. I can't wait." Calum says as we walk towards his car.

He had offered to pay for me but I refused.

As we started to drive to school.i checked the time 7:30 plenty of time. I plugged my phone into the radio. Looking through my songs.

"What you looking at" I said poking out my tongue

"You" he says blushing"now you can choose the song but nothing like girly"

"Me listening to girly music will happen when you've got a transgender" I say giggling

"Ok then miss bossy what songs do you like"

"Well I kinda like article monkeys,blink182,nirvanayou know that kind" I say nervously

"What.....you...you...like.......them......your......your messing right" he says surprised

"What no I'm not joking why what's wrong with them." I say trying to sound angry

"Ohh nothing it's just their like my all time favourite bands. I just never thought you'd like that kinda music"

"Oh well I love it.actually this is my favourite song" I say putting do I wanna know on by article monkeys

" oh my fucking god are you serious this is my favourite aswell"he says singing along with me.

Unfortunately we were parking at school and I had to deal with everyone but calum is like in most my subjects. I say as soon as we get into school he'll act like he dosnt know me. Its gonna be one of the worst days because Elise is gonna start on me. Calum's gonna pretend to know me.

If only I knew how wrong I was.

Is death really the answer (calum hood fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now