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She gazed at the distance of the vast ocean, when she felt someone tap her shoulder.

Perci turned around slowly, her gaze still attached to the view, when she saw the familiar blond man-bun. 


"Hey Perci." He was so much older than she had remembered. He was probably around in his mid thirties.

"Oh darling..." The two old friends hugged each other tightly, as if they'd lose each other once more if their grip faltered.

The two sat by the beach, a train of memories passing through their minds. 

"You drool in your sleep"

"Wise girl!"

"Seaweed Brain..."

"We're staying together, you're not getting away from me. Never again."

"As long as we're together"

They were once as close as thieves. They had each other's backs. They were Aphrodite's favourite ship since Helen and Paris. That's how close they were. Though the moment they saw each other, both after their deaths, they knew. 

They were not meant to be.

"I think I'll choose rebirth soon," Perci said after a long and comfortable silence, where no words were needed to speak of their thoughts. "I've had enough of hoping for the people I love to die."

"It's been a tough few years up there Perci. Just promise me you'll bring some brightness to that dreary world we called home."

"You know, I've been thinking for a long time. I think," She began with a soft, determined voice. "I want to build a world where people are safer. Sure, because of their extra layer of comfort, humanity will change, but I know that one day, a sacrifice will be necessary to make the world a better place, and I'm not sure who's willing to make that sacrifice other than me."

Andrew smiled. This was the woman he once loved. He was so proud.

"I'll be a baby again though... I won't remember anything."

"I'm sure your favourite uncle can do something. Besides, you're the daughter of water. Don't let the river of oblivion and it's goddess make you forget." 

Perci hugged Andrew again. Then Perci opened a door which lead to the River Lethe, guarded by the Goddess of losing memories, Lethe. 

"Before you leave you must soak in my river to forget. Forget your memories to create new ones. Forget your knowledge to learn again. To forget your purpose and start anew."

"That sucks." Perci sighed. 

"That is how it is. Any last words? Wishes?"

"May I speak to my Uncle Hadey?" Upon her word, he appeared. 

"Niece, you called?"

"Is there any chance that I don't have to lose my memories?"

"Well, it's tradition. You must lose your memories before your next life starts. Or else the supernatural will happen with a speaking and walking baby."

"Can't I just pretend to be a normal baby?"

"It would be a tough wish to grant, Perci."

Another god appeared next to Hades. With ghost white skin and a dead crown of flowers on her head, Persephone slid her hand into Hades'

"Please Hades? For me?"

"Persephone? What has Perci done to gain your favour?" Hades asked suspiciously.

"Well, for one, she was asked which goddess was most beautiful, like how Eris asked to Zeus, and she named me rather than any Olympian when she was only four. Secondly, she has my name." Perci smiled, glad that Persephone remembered that from something she said when she was a mere toddler.

"You two are making this very hard for me..." Hades groaned, but from the everlasting pleading look from his beloved wife and favourite niece, he broke in eventually. 

"Thank you uncle!!" She hugged him tightly, then hugged Persephone tightly. She even hugged Lethe tightly.

Perci ran off to the elevator leading to her new life, waving good bye to her aunt and uncle. 

Though the moment she stepped in, the light dimmed. 

Perci was immediately on guard. When she was on the elevator two years ago, running from Tartarus, this hadn't happened. 

"Perci Jackson, you have much to do." 

She heard before everything went black.

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