Lie Ability

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As Hellhound Parrish advances down the hall, Theo grabs Lydia and places his claws to her throat. He draws blood and warns Parrish to back off. The deputy continues to advance. Theo presses his chimaera pack to take him. They are reluctant but Tracey steps up, growls and takes a run at him. She stabs her claws into his stomach but he doesn't seem to notice, batting her away with little effort. Josh rips away one of the electrical conduits running the length of the hall and grabs the exposed wires inside. He sends a full charge into the hellhound but is also ineffective. Parrish shoves him into the wall.

While Theo is distracted, Valack plunges his trephination drill into the back of the chimaera's leg. Theo drops Lydia and Valack pops him in the face with the drill's handle. He takes Lydia.

Parrish is beating on Josh when Corey becomes visible and grabs his arm. Parrish's body ignites and Corey is consumed in a ball of flames.

Stiles steps in front of Valack and Lydia to block them but Parrish throws a now flaming Corey, knocking Stiles back and allowing Valack a chance to get by.

As Parrish continues his advance, Theo picks up the piece of electrical conduit pipe and hurls it into the Hellhound's chest. Parrish's fire subsides and his eyes return to normal as he sinks to the floor.

Stiles manages to roll Corey off and starts to pursue Valack and Lydia but is stopped by a locked door.


In a flashback, Liam and Hayden make love. In the afterglow, he asks her to join Scott and Selene's pack against Theo. He says he knows Theo wants to steal the Beast's power. He says it won't work that the beast will simply rip his head off. She asks if Scott can do better and Liam says he thinks he can because he's different since he died and came back. He asks her what she would want him to do if she died again.


Hayden is still guarding Deucalion in the underground lair. He asks if she is questioning her loyalties. He wonders why Theo didn't take her since she's faster and stronger than some in the pack. She says she knows she is a liability because of her feelings for Liam. He tries to get her to leave but she is reluctant. He tells her that he's no friend of Theo's and that she should worry less about being a liability and more about her ability to lie.


Liam, Selene, Brett and Scott are still outside the closed unit, where they overpowered the guards. Scott picks up one of the guard's two-way radios and pushes the button as he pretends to be a guard himself.

"Does anyone have eyes on the Closed Unit? I need a status report" Scott states and Selene raises an eyebrow. 

"It's a war-zone down here" A guard responds over the radio. Scott and Liam exchange worried looks before Scott nervously replies.

"Uh, 10-4. And what about the patients? Lydia Martin?" Scott asks and Selene hits him across the head. The guard with whom Scott is speaking suddenly becomes suspicious, much to the boys' horror. 

"Who is this?" The guard asks.

"It's... Unit 9" Scott says anxiously. There is a long pause before the guard responds.

"There is no Unit 9.-" Before the voice can continue Selene takes the radio and crushes it

"All right, we need to figure out another way to get into this closed unit," Selene says and looks at the open gate. 

"How do we get through the mountain ash?" Brett asks.

"I don't know ... But there's somebody else here that might be able to help us" Scott says. He looks at Selene who nods.

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