Required Reading

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Scott is lying on the floor grasping for an asthma inhaler. His breath comes in ragged gasps.

The Pathologist steps on the inhaler, crushing it and releasing the medicine within a puff of gas.

The Dread Doctor picks Scott up by the throat and holds him against the wall of the hospital corridor. The elevator door chimes open and Malia, with fangs bared, comes rushing out. The doctor casts Scott aside as Malia attacks. They fight but Malia makes little headway.

Mellisa and Selene rush out and helps Scott back to the elevator. Selene injects him with a "bronchodilator" to ease his asthma symptoms. 

The Pathologist grabs Malia by the throat but she manages to break free and runs to the elevator. The doors close just as the doctor reaches them, and inside the car, they hear a great thud and the elevator shakes. Scott tells Malia they should have never read the book.


Two nights earlier, Sheriff's deputies arrive at and find someone has dug eight large holes in the athletic field.

Sheriff Stilinski draws a red X through a picture of Tracy on the corkboard in his office. A picture of Lucas is marked in a similar fashion. Stiles and Malia explain that they have two dead chimaeras and eight new ones (the holes). The sheriff believes there may be another one and adds a picture of Donovan to the board. He explains that the department's tech guys believe both the holding cell lock and the cameras were disabled by electromagnetic interference the night Donovan escaped.

Stiles turns away. Malia says if Donovan was a failure then he is likely dead and moves to X out his picture. The sheriff stops her and says he would need to see a body first.

Stiles believes the teens were chosen by the Dread Doctors for a reason. They need to find what made these specific teenagers special.

Donovan's booking number, seen on his mugshot, is 008372782. 


Lydia and Parrish are training together. He reminds her to keep her arms up so that she can deflect the enemy's blows while still keeping watch on them. He worries about her recent surgery. She removes her jacket and lifts up her shirt to show him the stitches are holding and she is not bleeding.

He removes his jacket as well and they continue to spar. He gets the better of her and wraps her in his arms. He asks her what she did wrong and she says she forgot to keep her arms up. He says eventually she will do it automatically due to muscle memory. They have a moment where they suddenly realize they are in each other's arms. They do not pull away.

Parrish has his hand on her arm and it suddenly turns into the glove of one of the Dread Doctors. She has a series of flashes where she is on the operating table with the Doctors working on her. She jerks away. He asks what is wrong and she says, "Muscle memory." 


Scott explains to Theo that they are looking for anyone at school acting "a little off or a little weird." Theo points out that everyone is a little weird in high school.

Theo warns Scott that Tracy went on a killing spree after reading The Dread Doctors novel. Scott asks if Theo thinks it is a bad idea to read the book. Theo says he thinks Malia almost getting run down on the road could have been bad.

Scott says they have not yet finished reading it but they plan to. Theo says he came to Beacon Hills hoping to find a pack, not to watch one fall apart. Scott says the book is all they have to go on. Theo volunteers to read the book too. 


Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Selene, Kira and Theo gather at Scott's house to read the book. Stiles cracks a joke about how the book makes people have violent hallucinations. Scott says Malia is there just in case that or something worse should happen.

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