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Scott and Kira race on Scott's dirt bike toward Derek's loft, Selene chasing behind in her car.


The sheriff approaches Stiles and asks him to willingly put himself in handcuffs. Nogitsune/Stiles complies but then quickly breaks the cuffs.

Allison, Derek and Chris enter and take turns attacking Stiles. Allison hits him with a Taser which Stiles catches and holds as electricity courses through the line. Derek attacks but is easily tossed aside.

Argent pulls his automatic pistol and levels it at Stiles.

Nogitsune/Stiles feigns distress and begs his father to save him. Then turns to Argent and dares him to shoot him.

Both Allison and Stilinski implore Argent not to shoot. Stilinski pulls his gun and points it at Argent's head demanding that he lower his weapon.

The sun begins to set. 


Scott is still en route with Kira, Selene still behind them, cursing slightly about the fact the sun is already setting.


Allison points out that this chaos is exactly what the Nogitsune wants but Stiles says it's not exactly what he wants because he'd hoped Scott and Selene would be there. Stiles says he is glad everyone has their guns out because he drew them to the loft not to kill him but to protect him. The Oni manifest and phase through the loft's large main window. Argent finds his gun won't fire, drops it and draws another but the gunfire has no effect on the demons. 


Scott, Kira and Selene arrive to hear gunfire from the loft but when they make it upstairs the demons are gone as is Stiles.

At some point during the fight, the Oni managed to slice into Derek's shoulder and back.

"What happened?" Selene asks.

"They disappeared, they literally just vanished" Allison explains.

"As did Stiles" Chris adds.


Noshiko enters the basement at Eichen House and makes her way to the wall where the body of Corporal Rhys is entombed. Stiles appears behind her and asks why she carved the kanji for "Self" into the wall. She says to signify that Rhys died as himself and not as a monster.

It turns out that Noshiko called off the Oni at the loft. Stiles asks why and wants to know what happened to the woman who called out for chaos, strife, and pain to descend upon everyone and everything. Noshiko says she doesn't want that anymore. Stiles counters that he does and snatches away her dagger, her last tail, and cuts into his own stomach.

A swarm of flies comes boiling out, briefly surround Noshiko and then dissipate. Stiles is gone.


At the hospital, we hear buzzing and have a fly's-eye-view of Mellisa carrying a file down the hall. She places it in one of the holders attached to the wall and the fly lands on it. The file is Isaac's.

The fly takes to the air once more and goes into Isaac's room. His electrical burns have healed. The fly lands near the cannula and trocar needle that is delivering intravenous fluids into Isaac's arm. The bug crawls between the pieces of tape holding the gear in place and enters Isaac's body. His eyes fly open and flash golden yellow. (excuse my bad pun)


Scott has taken Kira back to his house because she doesn't want to face her parents after learning the truth about her mother. He says she can have the bed and he'll sleep in the chair but she wants him to lay with her. After stating it explicitly twice, Scott gets the message and the two lay side by side. They kiss and cuddle as a fly lands outside on the window. 

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