A Promise to the Dead

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In an unknown location, a man drags a black body bag into a refrigerated room where large, human-shaped, pieces of meat hang. The bodies are wrapped in clear plastic pierced with metal hooks. As he gets down close to the body bag, something inside jumps, startling him.

He opens the bag. Inside, a girl with tape binding her wrists and over her mouth struggles. He calls her Kalissa. She sees, over his shoulder, a collection of knives and cleavers suspendered on a magnetic knife rack. The man lets her know that he does intend to eat her and says her fear will actually improve the flavour. He then bares his teeth and hisses/growls at her making it clear that he is a Wendigo.

He forces her to look at him but instead she looks over his shoulder. Deaton is there. The man attacks him with metal meat hooks but Deaton has his retractable baton and makes short work of the supernatural. Once the Wendigo is down, he begs for his life pointing out that Deaton won't get paid because the Deadpool is over. Deaton says he's not there to kill the wendigo but to take him back to Eichen where they know all about Patrick's "culinary practices."

A very relieved Kalissa asks if Deaton is a cop. He smiles and says he's a Veterinarian. 


On a secret floor at Eichen House, Patrick is wheeled in on a gurney as Deaton meets with Dr Conrad Fernis. In each of the cells, glimpsed through bars, there are a variety of heretofore unseen supernatural creatures. Fenris reluctantly allows Deaton to see a patient named Valack who is kept in isolation in a reinforced Plexiglas cell.

(Valack's cell is very similar to the cell holding Hannibal Lecter in the film ''Silence of the Lambs''. This type of glass enclosure is used many times in movies and television to imply that the prisoner in question is too dangerous for any direct contact.)

Fenris warns that the last person who went to see Valack "left the room but not the building" suggesting that they suffered a mental breakdown. Deaton insists and is allowed into the room.

He addresses the prisoner as "Doctor Valack" and explains that he wants to know about South American mythology. Valack corrects him and says he actually wants to know about Kate Argent "the Bone Woman" "La Loba." Deaton says he needs to know what she did to Derek Hale (regressing him physically and stripping him of his abilities) and if he is dying.

He says he needs to know because of a promise he made to a woman he loved.

Valack removes a bloodied bandage from around his head revealing a ragged and bloody hole in the middle of his forehead. Deaton says he's not impressed with Valack's trephination and doesn't believe it gives him extrasensory perception. Valack bids Deaton come closer and the vet does. Deep inside the hole in Valack's skull, an eye suddenly opens inside what appears to be his bloody brain matter. 


Scott returns home to find his mother standing over the bag of money he took from Garrett's locker. He explains that he is late because he was getting extra hours at the Animal Clinic to get extra money. Mellisa shows him the bag and asks how much more he needs.

Scott explains where the money came from but Melissa knows it belongs to Derek and says Scott has to give it back. He says he was going to but with the family's overdue bills and their financial struggles he was having trouble giving it up. Melissa says Scott "can save people's lives but you cannot save people from life." She points out that life is full of struggles. Scott says it doesn't have to be. He points out that just one stack of the cash could pay for a new roof for their house; another could pay Stiles' medical bills while one more would allow his mother to stop working double shifts at the hospital. Melissa asks "what about this one?" and hands Scott a blood-stained stack of bills. Scott nods. 

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