Wolves of War

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Scott is laying on his back in his bed at the Moonlit Palm Motor Lodge, wearing a gray tank top stained with sweat. His eyes are closed as though he's sleeping, and they don't open until the sound of sirens driving past the motel wakes him up. He groans and stretches as he sits up in bed and looks around at the open windows, thinking quietly for a moment until he's interrupted by the sound of someone pounding on the door. Scott stands to his feet and grabs a t-shirt off of the nearby chair before he answers it. Argent and Selene are standing outside of the door, and give Scott a look before he speaks. 

"Let's go," Selene says. 

Outside of the motel, where Argent opens the door to his black SUV, and Scott, now wearing a blazer and a gray t-shirt, hops onto a black motorcycle, Selene hoping onto her motorcycle as well. The sunset has colored the sky behind them in warm shades of purple, pink, and orange as the three share a look before they set off for their destination. 

In downtown Los Angeles, a young boy, Alec, is running through a neighborhood in Little Mexico as he is pursued by Hunters in black clothing. He quickly jumps over a chain-link fence and runs through puddles illuminated by the colorful sunset. 

Alec turns a corner and runs through a dark alley, dodging cars and attempting to stay out of the Hunters' line of sight. He stops for a moment, leaning against a support column as he catches his breath  

Alec suddenly hears the footsteps of Hunters approaching and turns to see two men, each with a crossbow and an assault rifle aimed at him from several meters away. He ducks just in time for a shot arrow to miss his head and bury itself in the support beam before running away, trying his best to keep as much distance between himself and the Hunters as possible. He jumps down off of a platform and heads toward the warehouse district as the Hunters shoot off another arrow at him, which hits the dumpster next to him. However, when the last arrow is shot at him, it hits him right in the leg. 

In the warehouse, a trail of blood is seen on the floor as Alec, with the arrow burrowed in his thigh, staggers to a nearby support column and collapses onto the floor.

Alec has just gotten settled on the floor when suddenly, he hears the sound of a Werewolf roaring at the top of his lungs before a large amount of gunfire goes off for several long moments. Terrified, Alec assumes that they were the Hunters who were after him, but Selene is quickly by his side as Scott and Argent take care of the hunters. 

"Are you hurt somewhere else?" She asks as she quickly pulls out the arrow in his leg. He looks at her terrified and she gives him a small reassuring smile. She lets her eyes glow their alpha red and the boy relaxes a bit. The sight of Selene's werewolf eyes causes Alec's eyes to glow gold for several seconds. Selene smiles and glances behind her where Scott and Argent share a knowing look. 


Later, on a dark road at night, Scott, Argent, Selene, and Alec are driving in Argent's SUV. Scott, in the passenger seat, looks back at Alec in the backseat, next to Selene, as the young teen thinks about the night's events. 

"Scott's gonna tell you a story. Maybe it'll sound familiar," Selene explains. 

"There was this kid-- sixteen, alone, and running for his life. He couldn't see them, but he could hear them getting closer. They had guns, crossbows. They were hunting him. It started on the night of the full moon. Something came at him-- something bit him-- and it changed his life. It changed everything," Scott tells the story. "What's your name?"

"Alec." the boy answers. 

"Did I get it right, Alec?" 

Alec remains silent for a moment before he speaks. "Is that what happened to you?"

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