Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


The stadium was filled with Yuwherian confetti and fireworks floating through the air. The crowd was ecstatic. They were jumping up and down, hugging and high fiving each other and smiling from ear to ear. I even saw a few tears of joy in the eye of diehard fans of the Rodin Pirates.

"Good game, mates. That was one hell of a show," Castle Bell's Masterback said to us.

We all embraced each other and shook hands. Good sportsmanship is something I've always practiced in life because sometimes we win, sometimes we lose but you have to handle both the same. You have to do so with the highest level of dignity. I'm not saying you cannot lose your mind and celebrate, just don't rub it in. Castle Bell got their own round of applause and flowers as they exited the stadium.

We stood in the middle of the field on a raised platform wearing flowered crowns in a straight line. Captain Cali came from the sideline with Charity, who had her arm in a sling. The Royal Guard marched onto the field and walking with them was King Othen who was to give a speech and present us with the King's Trophy. We waited for him to take to the podium, but again I felt a small tremor, like the one before.

"Is this place known for earthquakes?" I whispered to where Rousseau was standing, but to my surprise, he was gone. I looked all over but he was nowhere to be seen. Captain Cali had taken his place on the podium.

King Othen stepped up to the platform and went down the line of players, shaking our hands. When he made it to Captain Cali, he asked him, "Congratulations Captain! I must ask, where is your superstar Masterback? I was dying to meet him!"

"Me dear King, I am afraid his shoulder was injured badly in the last play and he needed to be attended to. He sends his regards and wishes to meet you soon," Captain Cali replied.

"Well, that's rather a shame. Alas, I am not a doctor so I understand if he is hurting. Please allow me to be the first to visit him," King Othen said.

"T'would be me pleasure, me King," Captain Cali bowed.

After he shook all of our hands, he made it to the podium in front of us. The King's Trophy rested on a pedestal to his right, and as he looked to the crowd he began his speech.

"My dear Yuwherians!!! What a game, should I say so myself!" he said as they cheered, "Today, we witnessed the impossible, become the incredible. I was honored to watch this historic game and we can all learn a great lesson from it. Teamwork gets the job done, and for these players, it got them their names on the King's Trophy, our 500-year-old national treasure!"

Again, the crowd cheered, but once more I felt the tremor, only this time it was more violent. The platform shook and the King had to grab the podium to keep his balance. His Royal Guard was quick to assist him, but he assured them he was okay and continued his speech.

"What a time for an earthquake!" he joked, "Like I was saying, teamwork can get you anywhere in this world. On top of that, integrity, faith, and love for your country are fundamental values I hope that this game can instill into each and every one of you. I was saddened to hear that the sensational Masterback for this team was injured on the last play of the game, but we would like to present him with the 'House of Othen Blue Violet' for the most valuable player!" King Othen said as he held up a blue-violet with his house colors decorated on it.

After he finished, an extremely violent tremor shook the entire stadium, and I could hear people's screams and shouts of fear. We all got knocked to our hands and knees, and then I could feel something pushing up from beneath the platform.

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