Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Hmm, this is interesting. My name is Taleri Ganser, General of the Sentium Army, Combat Division. This guy really didn't know what I'm capable of or who my father was. He made Hendrick look like a fool, not many can say that. It sent electricity up and down my body. Nobody back home would have the gall to do that.

I would let him play for a while unless he tried something stupid. He wasn't a soldier, too green, but still strong. I could sense his passion. His skin, was olive-colored. I'd never seen that before. I caught myself staring at him. Ah, concentrate! You are on a mission! I shook my head. I was going to use him to get into the city.

After leaving Mylintus, we entered some plains called the "Grasslands" that were slightly hilly. This guy has no idea where he's going besides away from our Brigadier Destroyer Sky-Ship. The wolf was guiding him. I never thought an animal would be chosen for Guardian Power. There is nothing more joyous than a happy dog, I suppose.

Dhenfen'Ce lay to the east of this country, Soria, near the coast. It was the capital and where we planned to attack next. It would almost work in my favor to steer him along the right course there.

Five years ago, I was stationed at the Dhenfen'Ce Joint Military Intelligence base, so I knew the city like the back of my hand. As much as my father cast disdain on their politics, I had to admit that city was a true envy of the world for its sheer beauty and influence.

The city was the heart of Soria, and they paid deep respect to the many military personnel who had died for their "country." Unfortunately, he wasn't taking me there on a date; he was going to hand me over as a prisoner. If I had my telecrom, I would've tried to contact my squadron, but I couldn't because his giant of a wolf had broken it when he jumped me. Without much evidence of what we did and nobody in Mylintus to report what had happened, I was his only proof.

As we rode through the night, it increasingly felt like we were riding along the very spine of the universe. Galloping across the grass, the smell of mist was enchanting. The sky was paraded by a show of beautiful stars, glittering from horizon to horizon. Even the Aurora Borealis was flaring red and green, as it was. We don't have these kinds of skies back home, do we?

The air was calm and quiet, punctuated by only the occasional grasshopper or cricket chirp. He sat behind me, looking calm and at ease, despite being so green. When it got late, he stopped his mutt and made a fire, a foolish thing to do if he was trying to hide. Regardless, it looked like we were staying the night. I decided to find out more about this boy.

"You're a rider aren't you? Most people usually get uneasy their first time," Strafe said.

"Trust me, a ship is much more difficult to get used to," I replied while looking up to the sky.

"My name is Strafe. This is my wolf, Brutus," he pointed out.

"You just made two mistakes, Strafe. Telling me your name and how to exploit you," I tested and intimidated.

I gazed deeply into his eyes but lost my guile. He was, so beautiful.

"You may wear their armor, but I don't see a cruel person beneath it. I see someone who looks like she wants to help, not hurt." Strafe told me as he peeled something in his hand. It was red and smelled sweet, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes, but what is...that?" I approached with caution.

"What? You people don't have apples on this planet? Jeez," Strafe commented as he put an apple slice in my mouth.

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