Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I 'awoke' in my dream on an island, with rainbow-colored water and green mountains. I was lying on a hill, facing the ocean. At first, I thought it might've been home back on Earth. The sun was setting, and it was beautiful. I could even smell roses in the wind. I blinked and was transported onto the blue-sand beach, almost a mile away from where I just had been.

I looked up to the sky and then out toward the ocean and saw a boy standing knee-deep in the water. He was facing the sun and had something pink and shiny in his hand. Wearing all black; he reminded me of that person I had seen on that battlefield before I slipped back to my reality. He seemed to notice me and turned around. His face was darkened by a hood and I couldn't make out his features clearly.

This place also looked a lot like the island my mom used to take me to when I was younger. The boy held up the shiny ball and looked into it, "Strafe, what do you think this is?"

As I gazed at the ball I noticed I was suddenly standing right next to him.

"I don't know, but it looks cool! Let's show them!" I shouted, strangely, in my kid voice.

"I don't want to, it's mine! You're just jealous!" the boy shrieked as he turned and ran farther into the ocean where the water was deeper.

"Wait for me! You're not supposed to go that far out!" I tried to stop him.

Right before his head went under the water, he looked deep into my eyes, "The Senti are coming! Run Strafe!"

He went under and I could see a large, blinding light underneath the water. It started to cover my entire view and then there was an explosion of pink light. A giant wave shot into the air and I started to fall backward, bracing myself. I looked through my hands to see the inevitable blue crush and saw the boy's face. He looked like me when I was a kid. Time started to slow, and right before I was submerged, he whispered in my ear, "I'm scared Strafe. I don't like this!"

I awakened from my dream just as the water hit me, but I was soaked in sweat.

I looked around, as I ran my hands down my face trying to take in my dream. Most of the time I don't remember the details of my dreams very well, but this one really stood out in my mind. That person in the dark hood, was he trying to tell me something?

Brutus licked my cheek to comfort me.

"Bad dream? Your doggie was pretty worried," Dr. Swan asked.

"I'm a wolf, not a doggie. That's like calling a lion a kitty-cat," Brutus mentioned.

"Whoa! He talks?!" Dr. Swan stammered, almost falling out of her chair.

"You've never seen a talking wolf before?" I joked as I petted Brutus, "Uhhh, so what's new?"

"We were able to confirm your story as a true account. The Senti attack has been declared an act of war by the president as well as our allies. General Taleri Ganser has been sentenced to jail on account of her war crimes which should give us considerable leverage in future negotiations," Dr. Swan explained.

"Were you able to find out anything about this sword or where my friends are?" I asked.

"I looked into it and found out some things. According to ancient lore, the sword you hold is called The God Blade, like your professor told you. It is over 10,000 years old! It has the potential to be the most powerful weapon in Eternia, but it can be wielded only by a person who doesn't desire its power. This makes you a pretty big target. As for your friends, we have no idea where they are. I'm sorry to say, Strafe," Dr. Swan told me.

The Venerate OrderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora