I jumped when a particularly wet clump of snow blew onto the glass behind me. I closed the files and placed them in the drawer in my desk. It was time to make my way home, and the weather was deteriorating by the minute. I definitely didn’t want to fight the less than appealing city traffic to get home or spend hours trying to get the five blocks to my condo I kept here downtown for reasons like this one. I was just shrugging into my outer coat when my cell phone warbled on my desk. I made my way over to it to see Stephanie’s name flash across the screen, and I unlocked with a swipe of my finger to answer her call.

“I am home, and Thomas is making his way back to you, traffic is beginning to pick up so it may take him about ten minutes longer to get there.” She informed me and I thanked her for calling and wished her and her man a good evening.

Looking out the window again, I saw that it was really coming down outside now, the skies were gray and the puffs of wet snow where swirling around in the air, and I wondered if I had enough time to pick up a hot meal at the Bistro across the street; something hearty like some stew or a baked dish to enjoy tonight, just me and my solitude. Ugh…It’s time I stopped feeling sorry for myself. I thought as I made sure that everything was turned off and secure for the night.

Maybe I should take a few weeks off and go somewhere warm and tropical, find a few willing pretty boys and fuck them right through the holidays and into the New Year. Huh, the more I thought about it, was the more that plan sounded even better and better. The office will basically shut down in another week or so to give my employees time to spend the holidays with their families. Only the integral parts like Information technology and the calling service would be operational so I was going to have the time. I was going to have scout destinations tonight on the internet. At least I will have something to occupy my mind. I thought as my private elevator soundlessly carried me downwards in the building towards the lobby.

The lift dinged and the doors swooshed open to reveal the ornate marble tiles of the elegantly decorated lobby and security desk. I waved at the security guard behind the desk as I passed him and nodded my head as he wished me a safe ride home. And Thomas, God bless him, pulled up to the curb out front just as I stepped out into the frigid elements. “Fuck.” I mumbled as the wind blew what felt like a curtain of snow into my body. You could barely see an inch in front of you. The wind was raw and unyielding as I made my way across the almost deserted sidewalk towards my Jaguar sedan. I gingerly crossed the slick concrete and opened the back door of the car and was immediately hit with a gush of warm air billowing out of the vents in the vehicle.

“Damn, I hate winter time.” I mumbled under my breath and Thomas just chuckled as he turned on the blinker as he turned in his seat to try to see if there was oncoming traffic behind us. I was busy curling and uncurling my fingers in my leather gloves to relieve the cold when the car pulled forward only to surge to a stop with Thomas cursing a blue streak while the cabs behind us obnoxiously honked their horns.

“What happened, did we hit something?” I anxiously asked him as I tried to peer through the snow obscured windshield.

“No, I am sure I didn’t hit the person, but he seemed to have had a fright, Sir.” Thomas informed me and I groaned at the thought of getting back out into the snow to check on the dimwit who jumped in front of my car.

 I pushed the door opened and ignored the cursing cabbies behind us as I rushed around to the front of my car only to see a small person kneeling in the snow and shaking like a leaf. Shit, I hope Thomas didn’t hit them.

“Hey, are you alright?” I asked the shivering form as I knelt down beside them and put my hand on a very slender shoulder. Then it was like I was hit square in my solar plexus when that little pale face turned up towards mine, and the biggest prettiest set of shimmering green eyes I have ever seen looked innocently up into mine. Words fucking failed me and I lost all of my ability to think when those gorgeous pink lips parted to quietly whisper that he was sorry.

“Um…Can…can you stand, did the car hit you?” I managed to choke out as my thoughts thankfully came back online. The young man shook his beanie covered head and stared at the hand I offered him for a minute before he placed his little hand in mine and I helped him to his feet. He wobbled for a second and I so wanted to wrap my arms around his slender waist and pull him firmly against my body, but he was already skittish and I didn’t want to spook this beauty. Fuck, he was gorgeous, his hair flowed in a sleek ponytail down his back and even as pale as he was at the moment his skin was flawless, with those plump rose hued lips that just begged to be kissed.

 But I didn’t even know if this beautiful boy was gay, but I was going to make it my business to find out, and make sure that he was alright while I was doing it. Never in my life have I been so affected by a total stranger before, and I didn’t know if I liked it or not, but he was too tempting to send him merrily on his way. I had a deep seated need inside me to get to know this person, something was driving me to make him my sole focus and damned if I was going to fight it.

“There now, I am sorry if my driver scared you, but you do know it’s safer to cross these busy streets as the crosswalk.” And just as I said it another round of blaring horns and curses reached us standing there in the middle of the street, the snow was swirling, and my beauty was a shivering mess. I finally noticed that his coat was practically swimming around his body and he was desperately clutching a little red and white collecting bin to his chest.

Was he homeless and out here in this deplorable weather begging for money? Just the thought broke my heart into a million pieces as I studied his bowed head further. “Come on, I will give you a ride to wherever it is you want to go, my name is Ellis Carrington by the way, and I work right there in that building if it makes you feel safer to be come with me.” I gently coaxed him and he once again trained those stunning eyes on my face, I felt him shiver some more underneath my hand and I had to bite my tongue to keep my smirk off my face, it seemed that I had an effect on the young man, and it pleased me to no end to know that.

“Um…thank you I am fine, my name is Timothy Harris, and I was just going across the street to the Bistro to warm up and then go home. I am fine; your car just surged forward as I stepped off the sidewalk and gave me a scare, is all.” He whispered so quietly I had to bend to hear him through the healing of the wind and all the noise of the traffic.

“Well that is even better, Timothy, I was headed there myself for dinner, come let me treat you and apologize for my driver.” I said as I took his little hand and steered him towards my car. He seemed to hesitate so I stopped. “We can walk across the street; you don’t have to get into my car if it makes you feel better.” I again gently coaxed him and prayed that he would accept my offer.

“Um…okay, but I can’t stay long.” He accepted and I felt like I someone just gave me everything that my heart desired all rolled into this pretty little package standing in front of me. I tried to contain my smile as I held up a finger and asked him to wait while I leaned into the passenger side of the car and told Thomas to go on home. I will catch a cab home later. And hopefully I will have a guest with me, I thought as I turned back to my companion for the evening and ushered him across the street to the cozy little restaurant. My evening was definitely looking up.

Bah Humbug (manxman) A Christmas Romance *NaNoWrimo 2014 Winner*Where stories live. Discover now