He's A Boxer (AU)

Start from the beginning

"Baby," His voice trembled slightly. "I-I never knew you felt that way. You know that’d I’d never, ever, hurt you. I’ve always thought you’d be proud whenever I win a fight, I didn’t know that I scared you . . .”

You shook your head, feeling guilty since you could see just how much your words affected him. “I’m not scared of you, Li.” You said, brushing your fingers against his jaw. “I'm slightly scared off what you’re capable of.”

“I’m sorry, y/n. I promise, I’ll never force you to come to these thing again. Now, c’mon, I think I need to take you out to dinner to make it up to you . . .”

Niall: “C’mon Niall,” Niall’s coach exclaimed, annoyance obvious in his voice. “You need to focus or you’ll never get better.”

“Well it’s kinda hard to fucking focus when my girl is on the treadmill in a fucking sports bra and yoga pants.” You heard Niall groan out and you instantly stopped running and turned around to see him smirking at you.

“C’mere, sweetheart.” You sent him a playful glare but made your way over to him.

“5 minutes, Niall. That’s it.” His coach said even though Niall had already taken his gloves off and was already climbing out of this ring.

“Yeah, yeah.” He muttered before wrapping his arms around your waist, connecting his lips with yours. Without breaking the kiss, his hands moved down to cup your ass through your yoga pants. “God, you really don’t understand how much I love it when you wear these.”

You giggled and buried your head in his neck, feeling slightly out of place as your boxer boyfriend groped you in front of everyone in the gym. “Ni,” You muttered as his fingers slipped down the waist band of your pants, toying with your underwear. “Not here.” “

If you didn’t want this to happen here, you shouldn't have worn these pants.”

“Niall!” His coach yelling, trying to to sound angry though you could tell that he was just mocking him. “I have a strict “no fucking” policy here. Get your ass back over here.”

Niall groaned but removed his hands from you, muttering a quiet curse word about him before wandering back to the ring. “We’ll finish that when I’m done, baby!” He shouted, causing your face to blush when everyone in the gym looked at you.

Zayn: “If you didn’t want any confrontation then you should have rethought touching my girl.” Zayn growled, roughly pushing the man away from you before standing in front of you protectively.

“She looked like she was enjoying it to me, man. It’s not my fault that your girl wanted me to.”

“Bullshit. She was fucking trembling before I came over here. I can’t even leave for 2 fucking minutes without some pervert making an advance on her.”

“Well you can’t blame me,” The man exclaimed, slurring all of his words due to how much he drank already. “She’s the fittest girl I’ve seen in my life.”

“Well she’s mine and you should shut your fucking mouth before I make you.”

You gripped on the back of Zayn’s shirt tightly in hopes that he would stop before this excavated to something more.

“The entire night I’ve been imagine her lips wrapped around my d-”

Before he could finished, Zayn fist connected with his face and he stumbled back, gripping his jaw in shock. “Zayn, Please don’t do this. I just wanna go home.” Zayn completely ignored you as he shoved the man to the floor, his fists connecting with the man’s face once again.

Security seemed to appear moments later though it felt like it was much longer. Security ripped them apart and, with a bit of begging from you, allowed you to leave without calling the police. “I can see it now, Zayn Malik, World Famous Boxer, got into a fist fight over some girl.” You said as Zayn walked next to you on the sidewalk, his hands in his pockets as you noticed his busted lip and his bloody knuckles. Zayn shook his head in reply.

“They would be wrong since you’re not just some girl, you’re my best friend, my biggest supporter, and the love of my life. Nothing will ever change that.”

Harry: “Don’t worry, baby.” He mumbled, pulling you tightly against his chest and you could feel yourself relax instantly.

“I’m not worried.” You protested, hoping that he couldn’t see through your blatant lie.

“Don’t lie to me, baby. You’ve barely said a word to me all day and you only ever do that when you’re nervous. I will be fine, sweetheart. I’ve done this a million times before; nothing about this time will be different from the others.”

You shook your head in protest, trying not to think of all of the awful things the could possible happen to him. “Harry, you got knocked unconscious last time and people were saying you were lucky that’s all that’d happened. One day, you’re going to get hurt and there isn’t going to be anything I can do to help you.” You noticed his face flush as he held you tighter.

Sometimes it seemed that Harry cared more about you and how you were feeling rather then himself—this was one of those times. “It’ll be okay. I promise. No matter what, I’ll always be here for you. I don’t care if I have a black eye, a broken arm, or anything else, I will never leave you. So you shouldn’t be worrying.” You nodded slightly, feeling some comfort in his words though you were still slightly weary.

Sensing this, Harry tilted your chin up and pushed his lips roughly against yours, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip.

“Harry, You need to get ready now or you’ll be late.” Harry’s coach said, leaning against the locker room door, smirking slightly as he saw what was keeping Harry preoccupied.

“Just a moment.” He waved his coach off, not once taking his eyes off of yours. “I gotta go, baby. Promise you’ll watch me the entire time?” You nodded as he brushed some hair away from your face.

“Promise me that you’ll try to win?”


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