Ch. 11 - New Plan...

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She regretted not following up on her father's plan when she smelt Redwood on him the next week. At first, she had been worried that the other pack had harassed him – as they were apt to do to other members of her pack. Evelyn fussed over her father in his office when she caught whiff of Redwood. Eyes alight with wolf, she lightly touched his face and patted down his body, murmuring her worry.

"Those bastards – I swear –"

Her father brushed her worrying hands off softly before patting her head, reassuring her nothing was wrong.

"I'm alright Evie," He whispered as he pulled her into a bear hug. She hugged him back, finding comfort in her father's arms – in her alpha's arms.

And he seemed to understand as he calmed her down. He rubbed cheeks with hers, and his beard felt comforting against her. His magic brushed softly against hers, soothing her. Even though she smelt no blood nor saw a limp in her father's movement, she still worried over the scent of Redwood. Their inter-pack relations have never been the best. And that was an understatement.

It took a few minutes for her to calm down (because how dare Redwood even approach her alpha - especially at a time like THIS - and she not be present or even know about it!), and her father patently waited. Once she had settled, her father settled back into his office chair.

"Why do you smell of Redwood?" She asked stepping closer to his chair, "Did something happen?" a slight growl rumbled from her chest as he eyes flashed. If a Redwood so much as touched her father, she was going to –

"Nothing bad, Evie. Nothing bad." He waved off her growl. She was lost. Redwood was never associated with anything good.

Her father sighed, running his hand roughly down his face.

"They have agreed to help us." He leaned back heavily in his worn office chair.

Help? Redwood? What –

"Help?" She almost took a physical step back. Help from redwood – for their situation at home??


"Alpha Dorsy has agreed to give immediate relief through food donations. Disguised, of course, so that animosity between the two packs isn't flamed by a perceived show of superiority on their part." Her father explained as he watched her. He knew the pack would take the news hard (it was hard for him to swallow his pride). He couldn't blame his daughter for her reaction, but she was going to follow him.

The good of the pack required it.

Evelyn snarled. Redwood was the last pack she wanted to know. After countless amounts of times Redwood members had bullied her and her packmates – After many barely kept peace treaties – after pack relations existing on eggshells - Evelyn was never going to let them have anymore ammo against her pack.

"In three weeks, we are going to participate in weekly cookouts with Redwood. The left overs returning with our pack. It'll provide the needed nourishment for the pack without breaking our budget. No more sacrifices by the older members. And with weekly meetings between Alpha Dorsy and myself, further solutions and relief will be found and provided." He further explained. His magic filled the room, trying to soothe his agitated daughter down from her anger. It was not working.


"NO!" she snarled out, slashing at the air with a clawed hand. The rival pack couldn't know about their situation. Her wolf magic began to rise rapidly as her eyes became alight with wolf.

"Father how could you!" She gnashed her teeth and growled low. Her pack was constantly threatened by those damn Redwoods when they had only thought them small. For them to know they are weak?! Her jaw clicked as another snarl tore through her. Her alpha had threatened her pack by doing this!

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