Ch. 12 - Redwood Visit

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Carson stood anxiously by his father in front of the modest, Frankenstein den of Mountain Peak waiting to be let in. He could smell the little brown peak wolf's scent permeate through the air. But, he couldn't fully separate her's from the pack's. The scents of multiple pack members hung heavy within the air surrounding the dwelling before them indicating a high level of recent traffic, but the den before them was quiet in the wee hours of the morning.

He was curious as to why a Mountain Peak would be running so close to the border, especially alone. Carson wanted to figure out who she was. What he had caught of her scent smelt divine, and her wolf had been just under the surface.

He wanted to see her again. - he had questions.

It was only a few moments after their knock that the red door opened to reveal the serious face of the Mountain Peak Alpha. Grey stubble shadowed his harsh features. Such seriousness was only found in Alphas whose pack was in serious trouble. It was why they were here. Redwood had already agreed to help the struggling pack; they were there to privately discuss the details of such arrangement.

His father had filled him in on his suspicions of Mountain Peak's slow decline from the strong smaller pack that it used to be: An Alpha stricken by grief perfectly coinciding with a harsh hit by the recent recession. With no proactive guidance, the pack fell behind – way behind.

"Welcome to the den of Mountain Peak," his grizzly voice rumbled softly so as not to wake the sleeping members within.

The soft mumbling from a TV reached Carson's ears the further they traveled within the home-y den. For having such a seemingly severe Alpha, the den felt welcoming in its nature, even to strangers. The pack magic filled the air, soft but strong. It soothed even his anxiousness.

The soft glow of the TV came into view as they began to enter what he presumed to be the living room. A lone figure was surrounded by blankets on the floor as he bounced softly, enraptured by the show before him. The little boy kept quiet even as something exciting happened, but the bouncing only began to become more pronounced as the show continued.

"My son." The Mountain Peak Alpha murmured, nodding to the boy engrossed with the TV. "Let me get the reports."

Her scent was heavy within the den. It raised Carson's hackles and made him anxious. He wanted his answers.

His father merely glanced at him as he tried to subtly sniff out her out. He was anxious to see her in this form; he had only ever seen her as a wolf. He snorted when he witnessed his father lifting his nose to the air as well. They were both curious as to who she was. Unfortunately, her scent was everywhere, not giving a specific path.

A groan was heard from the living room floor as the boy bounced viciously in excitement to something occurring in his early morning cartoons. Their heads turned to the mass of blankets the boy was surrounded by. The blankets shifted beneath the boy, and the two Redwoods realized that there was a she-wolf with the pup. At a rather vicious bounce from the pup, a surprised grunt sounded.

"Ethan!" she hissed through more bounces, "quit it!" Wolf magic swelled from her. The boy stilled instantly and sheepishly turned to look at the grumpy she-wolf underneath him.

"Sorry Evie!" he whispered loudly, "I won't jump again. I promise." An amused snort sounded from the she-wolf as her magic settled. The sweetness of amusement drifted into the air, but he couldn't fully pinpoint the exact scent it came from. There were so many saturating the air heavily. Another shift and the she-wolf raised her torso up from the pillows. Her face turned away from the two Redwoods as she looked at the pup.

"Be a good little brother and get me some water," she spoke, sleep still apparent within her voice. The boy scrambled up and rushed past them without a glance in their direction. The she-wolf sat up and stretched her arms high above her head, arching her back. She sleepily groaned before running a hand through her long golden hair.

There was a pregnant pause. The she-wolf swimming through the projected lights from the commercials humming in the background captivated him. She moved so slow as if fighting to stay awake. But it was so soft. Her head tilted back, and she breathed in deep.

A husky growl left her before the blue eyes of the black wolf from the forest bore into him; and her scent spiced angrily, just like it did when he had met her at the border.

It was her.

A low growl escaped his throat as he took her in. His wolf magic rose to meet hers. Maybe now he could get his answers.

Wolf brightened her eyes. A frown settled upon her features, and she swiftly stood before the much larger males. The she-wolf settled into a defensive stance – knees slightly bent and fingers flexing. Suddenly, her alpha was pushing against theirs. She swiftly pulled the pup behind her when he returned even though they had left the pup alone as he passed by them.

He hadn't realized she herself was an alpha when they had met on the border. The scent of the Mountain Peak alpha had been too strong. He had written off her alpha then as rub off from close contact. What was a Mountain Peak alpha doing along their border?

"Evelyn!" the harsh voice of the Mountain Peak Alpha snapped. The alpha pushed his dominance out against the she-wolf - Evelyn. Carson watched her tense further before visibly forcing herself to relax. Her own dominance was pulled back, but her eyes still glowed. 

"Sorry father. I had no clue we were soon," she spoke, with barely hidden anger. 

He glanced to the Mountain Peak Alpha, who was just watching his daughter. His dominance now heavy within the air. The two Redwoods watched the interaction between the Alpha and his daughter with interest. The air spiced with their clashing angers. The pup huffed; the scents tickling his nose.

"Come on Evie! Let's finish watching! I missed too much already," the pup pulled at her arm urgently. She jerkily went back the blankets adorning the living room floor. He watched her intently. She was back to ignoring him. He huffed in annoyance.

Evelyn's short answering warning growl drew his attention to the two alphas now moving to the kitchen. Her slight swell of dominance and wolf magic tempted him. The side eye she gave him as she sat with her brother reminded him of the look she gave him in the clearing. He followed his father when all he really wanted to do was talk to her.

Why had she been running the border?


Evelyn stayed put in the middle of her make-shift bed as the Redwood alpha and heir left her den. Her eyes alight with wolf followed their every move to the front door. Their magic was even more tempered then when they came in.

What the fuck were they doing here so early? Why hadn't her father warned her??

The time passed slowly for Evelyn. Every moment that the Redwoods were in her den felt like a life time. The second the front door closed her magic blossomed out of her, trying to purge the spice of Redwood from what was hers. Her chest hummed in a sub-sonic growl to soothe her pack. Her brother Ethan was snuggled into her – taking comfort from her and giving off a cute little hum himself. His small alpha ballooning to the call of hers.

"Evelyn." Her father's voice was a balm that irritated her. „You have to keep it in check next time."

Evelyn's eyes lightened with wolf.

„There'll be a next time?"

Her father's Alpha just brushed against her as he turned back towards his office.

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