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[5 october 2020]

bestie tingz
                          bubz 💍😽👅🎶 •shawn
bad bitch jo 🤩💙 •jojo
el bel •ellie
madi🌞 •madison
hb •hailey
rosie 🌹 •peyton
kylizzle 👼🏼 •kylie
kendall's secret •kendall
cam cam •cameron
jack gilinskiiii •jack
canadian #2 •justin
lucas 💩🙄 •lucas


kylizzle 👼🏼
GUYS i have a month left until sienna gets here

rosie 🌹
i'm so excited omg


el bel
me too aunt el is gonna be a whole new adventure

bubz 💍😽👅🎶
uncle shawn is gonna be my best version

sienna alexis better get her ass here

future gilinsky
she's gonna be so cute 🥺

kendall's secret
aunt kenny round 2

cam cam
stormi is honestly my best friend

kylizzle 👼🏼
she loves uncle c

jack gilinskiiii
um what about uncle jack and uncle shawn

canadian #2
when are we having babies hailey

lucas 💩🙄
uncle lu is gonna be the best, what y'all mean

el bel
we have to start going shopping for si

kylizzle 👼🏼
babe i been shopping for her
since i found out she was a girl

rosie 🌹
we need to get more stuff
i'll drag cam with me for clothes rn

cam cam
BET lets go rn

kylizzle 👼🏼
ok well i'm gonna go enjoy this last month with stormi before i have to divide my time
equally so ttyl love u guys


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